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.a look back at the alumni days at the university of siegen

Here you can find pictures of previous alumni days at your university. Do you see yourself or your former fellow students in any of these pictures?

Alumni-Tag 2007

Samstag, den 16. Juni 2007

Bereits zum vierten Mal kamen die Ehemaligen der Universität Siegen zusammen, um in altvertrauter Atmosphäre ihr Wiedersehen zu feiern. Erstmals traf man sich auf dem Campus der Paul-Bonatz-Straße, um Erinnerungen und Erfahrungen auszutauschen und sich über die aktuelle Situation an der Hochschule zu informieren. Vorträge aus verschiedenen Fachbereichen sowie zu relevanten Themen aus der Hochschulwelt boten ein abwechslungsreiches Programm. Ein großes BBQ-Fest mit Köstlichkeiten aus aller Welt und fulminante Lichtinstallationen einer studentischen Projektgruppe des Fachbereiches Architektur und Städtebau ließen den Ausklang des Abends zu einem spektakulären Erlebnis werden.

Alumni-Tag in Bildern

3rd Alumni Day at the University of Siegen

Saturday, June 25th, 2005

Alumni Day, a reunion of former students that takes place in two-year intervals, has become something of a tradition. The wide variety of information available on this particular Alumni Day gave former students the opportunity to broaden their own horizon. The festive evening buffet gave rise to interesting and stimulating conversations. In a relaxed atmosphere, the celebration continued until late in the evening.

Images from the Alumni Day

2nd Alumni Day at the University of Siegen

Saturday, June 28th, 2003

In response to the large number of encouraging reactions to the event in 2001, the 2nd Alumni Day at the University of Siegen on June 28th, 2003 again provided another great opportunity to meet and exchange news from the university and from professional life, and, of course, to celebrate.

Meet up with old friends again – learn the news from the University and from professional life – celebrate at the University

Images from the Alumni Day

1st Alumni Day at the University of Siegen

Saturday, June 23rd, 2001

The first multidisciplinary Alumni Day at the University of Siegen inspired 1000 participants to return to their former place of study. Just like in the old days, there was a queue in the cafeteria, and everyone enjoyed a wide-ranging program. The interested reactions of so many former students on this first alumni day were an indication of how popular and important networking has become.

Images from the Alumni Day

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