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The integration of research and teaching is core methodology at the University of Siegen. For precisely this reason, all university lecturers have committed themselves to actively participating in contemporary developments in their field of research. This creates numerous benefits for the students:

  • Commitment to cutting-edge research forms a solid basis which guarantees that university lecturers continue to teach current topics in the long term.
  • The project funds raised in this way enable the institutes to set up and operate a modern, complex infrastructure. In turn, this can be used by the students, providing them with new theoretical knowledge and initial practical experience.
  • Even during their studies, students can actively participate in current research projects. They can, for example, assist in the research work conducted by the institutes as a student assistant, trainee, graduate student or PhD student. This is especially beneficial as it allows theoretical training to be augmented by real, state-of-the-art research experiences.


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