program bayes; (* PROJECT : Bayesian estimator for full GP1 model FILE-SPEC. : bayesest.sp AUTHOR : R.-D. Reiss, M. Thomas CREATION DATE : Oct-9-1999 LAST UPDATE : Oct-9-1999 RELATED DOCUMENTS: "A new class for Bayesian estimators in Paretian excess-of-loss reinsurance" by R.-D. Reiss and M. Thomas VERSION : 1.0 FUNCTIONAL DESCR.: Estimation of alpha and sigma as given in formula (7) of the above document. The estimator is implemented completely in the procedure "BayesFullGP1Est" and can be extracted easily SPECIAL FEATURES : requires Xtremes Version 3.0 Beta 4 or higher, available from INPUT : Xtremes Univariate Data as active data set; interactive input of threshold u and parameters a, b, s, d of reciprocal gamma priors OUTPUT : Estimated values alpha and sigma *) type realfunc = function (real): real; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % BayesFullGP1Est performs the estimation. The procedure is % self-contained and can be extracted from the program easily. % % Parameters are: % % x: vector with normalized excesses % s, d: parameters of reciprocal gamma prior for alpha % a, b: parameters of reciprocal gamma prior for sigma % alphaest, % sigmaest return estimated values % % To use another prior distribution, change the definition of p. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% procedure BayesFullGP1Est (x: realvector; s, d, a, b: real; var alphaest, sigmaest: real); const sigma0 = 0.00001; % ranges for numerical integration sigma1 = 30.0; var k: integer; help: real; function p (x: real): real; begin return gammadensity (a, b / x) * b / sqr (x) end; % Adaptive Gaussian integration taken from Klugman, S.A. (1992): % Bayesian Statistics in Actuarial Science. Kluwer, Boston. function GaussIntegrate (f: realfunc; a, b: real): real; var x, w: realvector; p: real; function integrate (a, b: real): real; begin return sum ((b - a) * 0.5 * w * f ((b + a) * 0.5 + (b - a) * 0.5 * x)) end; function improve (a, b, prev, err: real; level: integer): real; var d, v1, v2: real; begin v1 := integrate (a, 0.5 * (a + b)); v2 := integrate (0.5 * (a + b), b); d := prev - v1 - v2; if (abs (d) < 1e6 * err) or (level = 7) then return v1 + v2 else return improve (a, 0.5 * (a + b), v1, 0.5 * err, level + 1) + improve (0.5 * (a + b), b, v2, 0.5 * err, level + 1) end; begin x := combine (-0.973906528517172, -0.865063366688985, -0.679409568299024, -0.433395394129247, -0.148874338981631, 0.148874338981631, 0.433395394129247, 0.679409568299024, 0.865063366688985, 0.973906528517172); w := combine ( 0.066671344308688, 0.149451349050581, 0.219086362515982, 0.269266719309996, 0.295524334714753, 0.295524334714753, 0.269266719309996, 0.219086362515982, 0.149451349050581, 0.066671344308688); p := integrate (a, b); return improve (a, b, p, p / 1e10, 1) end; function dprime (sigma: real): real; begin return d + sum (log (1 + x / sigma)) end; function ptilde (sigma: real): real; var help: real; begin help := -k * log (sigma) - (s+k) * log (dprime (sigma)) -sum (log (1.0 + x / sigma)); return exp (help) * p (sigma) end; function g (sigma: real): real; begin return sigma * ptilde (sigma) end; function h (sigma: real): real; begin return (s + k) * ptilde (sigma) / dprime (sigma) end; begin k := size (x); help := GaussIntegrate (ptilde, sigma0, sigma1); alphaest := GaussIntegrate (h, sigma0, sigma1) / help; sigmaest := GaussIntegrate (g, sigma0, sigma1) / help; end; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Interactive part: Reads active data set of Xtremes and asks % for threshold and parameters of priors. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% procedure InteractiveEstimation; var alphaest, sigmaest: real; x: realvector; u, s, d, a, b: real; procedure AskParameter; var v: vector of real; begin v := DialogBox ('Parameters', 's|d|u|a|b', combine (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)); s := v [1]; d := v [2]; u := v [3]; a := v [4]; b := v [5]; end; begin AskParameter; x := (ColumnData (1) - u) / u; BayesFullGP1Est (x, s, d, a, b, alphaest, sigmaest); writeln (s, ' ', d, ' ', a, ' ', b); MessageBox ('alpha* = ' + str (alphaest) + ', sigma* = ' + str (sigmaest)); end; begin InteractiveEstimation end.