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Short CV

since 05/2008 Graduate assistant of the EU project YOUNEX - Youth, unemployment and exclusion in Europe at the Chair of Sociology, Comparative Sociology of Culture and Political Sociology of Europe (Prof. Dr. Christian Lahusen)
10/2007-07/2008 Graduate assistant of the BMBF project "Ambivalente Gemeinschaftsbildungen. Formen sozialen Kapitals in prekären regionalen Räumen" ("Ambivalent formation of communities. Forms of social capital in parlous regional areas") at the Brandenburg-Berliner Institut für Sozialwissenschaftliche Studien (Institute of Social Science Studies), subproject of the joint project "Social Capital im Umbruch europäischer Gesellschaften – Communities, Familien, Generationen" ("Social capital the change of European societies - communities, families, generations")


Study of Sociology, Political Science and History at the University of Konstanz

Magister thesis: Engagement zwischen Individuum und Gesellschaft. Eine Studie zur Ehrenamtlichkeit im Kontext der Neuen Sozialen Bewegungen (Engagement between the individual person and the society. A study on honorary work in the context of the new social movement)

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