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GEMMI 2017


The conference will take place at the Hotel Speyer am Technik-Museum.

The hotel has reserved a contingent of rooms for the conference until 15 July 2017. They offer a special rate of 90 Euros per night for a single room. Please note that these rooms are not included in the conference fee. They have to be booked and paid directly at the hotel. For booking a room, please contact the hotel by mentioning the keyword "Uni Siegen", for contact addresses see the website of the hotel. The hotel also provides some double rooms in case you are accompanied or you want to share a room with one of your colleagues.

If you wish to choose a different accommodation, you are certainly free to do so. Follow e.g. this link to the website of the tourist services of the city of Speyer.

If you want to extend your stay, please note the following: the contingent is only reserved for the period 5-8 September 2017, and there is the "Altstadtfest" ("Old Town Festival") at 8 and 9 September 2017. On the one hand, the festival might motivate you to stay longer. On the other hand, be aware that the hotel rooms in Speyer for the weekend after the conference will quickly become sold out.