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Currently, all mandatory measures at the university are cancelled. Lectures are conducted inform of classroom teaching. For further information on the academic calendar visit the website Deadlines and General Dates.

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns. 

Please note that current regulations can change at short notice. Therefore, regularly check the information provided by the university, the district of Siegen-Wittgenstein and the federal government.

Information from the University of Siegen

General information from the University of Siegen concerning the current semester, studies and teaching, hygiene measures and behaviour in case of illness can be found in the corona information portal.  


Public life has been restored for the most part. Nevertheless, there may be certain regulations in some areas; please inform yourself independently.

Face Mask Regulations

Currently, medical masks (so-called surgical masks or masks of the KN95/N95 or FFP2 standards) must still be worn on buses and trains. For visiting doctors or hospitals, FFP2 masks are mandatory. Masks may still be required in other areas.  

Entry Regulations 

Please note that the information is constantly changing. Please inform yourself about the latest status before starting your trip.

Currently, no country has been classified as a high-risk or virus variant area, so entry should be possible without any problems. However, please inform yourself about short-term changes before your departure.

» Information for travellers provided by the Federal Ministry of Health.
» For further information check FAQ regarding corona testing when travelling to Germany.

First steps in Siegen
On this homepage you will find a lot of important information about your start in Siegen. Please also note the digital introductory events in September! 

Quarantine regulations

If you have to be quarantined, e.g. due to a positive corona test, please note the following:

If you live in a dormitory or in a shared apartment (WG), you will have to stay mostly in your room during the quarantine period. Talk to your flatmates to clarify the use of the kitchen and bathroom together (e.g. at certain times). You are not allowed to leave the apartment/house under any circumstances.
The quarantine may only be terminated early if you are allowed to do so by the health department or public order office!

Food supply
Please make sure that you get enough food yourself. Ask your roommates or friends to do the shopping for you and bring you the food - contactless. You can also order groceries or hot meals via delivery services.
Local supermarkets, for example, can be found at www.lozuka.de. Also, use the Google search with the keyword "Lieferservice".

If you face severe problems, please contact your supervisor if you are part of an English speaking study program (see contact below under "help and contact); if this is not the case, please contact the department International Student Affairs

Covid Test

There are different ways to get tested for Covid.
A distinction can be made between the rapid antigen test and the PCR test. The rapid antigen test is usually sufficient.If you do not have a positive self test, official tests have to be paid.

Possibilities for getting tested:
» In Siegen and surroundings:           
You can get tested at a test centers, but some pharmacies or doctors' offices also offer tests. 
Here you can find all the options in Siegen and the surrounding area: https://www.siegen-wittgenstein.de/schnelltests

» Self test
Please note that self-tests (i.e. tests that you buy yourself from a retailer and use at home or in front of another person) are often not permitted. Please inform yourself in advance.

» Corona app
It is recommended to install the Corona warning app of the federal government on your smartphone. It is also available in English https://www.bundesregierung.de/breg-de/themen/corona-warn-app/corona-warn-app-englisch and in other languages. You can be informed about your test result via it.

So-called "2G or 3G regulations"

A 2G or 3G rule does not seem to apply in any public areas at the moment.

2G stands for "recovered or vaccinated", 3G stands for "recovered, vaccinated or tested". 2G+ / 3G+ means that even those who have recovered or been tested must show proof of testing.

» "Genesen" (recovered) means that you have been proven (by PCR test) to have Covid 19 in the last 6 months. Your doctor can provide you with a certificate to this effect. Please note that this status is only valid until 6 months after the illness.
» "Geimpft" (vaccinated) means that you have been fully vaccinated with a vaccine recognized in Germany. Depending on the vaccine, you must have been vaccinated once or twice and wait 2 weeks adterwards. You can prove this with your vaccination card or have your vaccination status confirmed digitally by a pharmacy.
» "Getestet" (tested) means you have had a rapid test or PCR test done at an approved site within the last 24 hours and carry proof of that with you. You can also get tested on campus.

Current regulations on Campus 

All restrictions at the university have been lifted as of April 4, 2022.
Wearing a mask on campus is recommended.

Current regulations in public space 

General Regulations:

» Hygiene
Wash your hands often and thouroughly with soap and water or use hand sanatizer.
Cover mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough and sneeze or use the inside of your elbow.

» Face Mask 
Currently, medical masks (so-called surgical masks or masks of the KN95/N95 or FFP2 standards) must still be worn on buses and trains. Masks may still be required in other areas. Please inform yourself.  

Regulations in the District Siegen-Wittgenstein:
Most of the regulations were repealed as of April 4, 2022. However, the specifications can change at short notice. Current information and case figures can be found on the website of the District Siegen-Wittgenstein

Please note that for the services of the city administration (e.g. registration office and foreigner registration office) masks still have to be worn.

Information about the current Stiuation in Germany in different languages:
Handbook Germany 
Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Migration, Flüchtlinge und Integration 
Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung: Infektionsschutz


Any person registered in Germany can register for a vaccination appointment. The vaccination is free of charge. There is no obligation to be vaccinated.

Options for being vaccinated
» You can call a general practitioner / family doctorand ask if he/she gives vaccination appointments.

Proof of vaccination
» You can prove that you have been vaccinated with your vaccination card, where the doctor or vaccination center will note your vaccination once it is complete.

» In addition, there is now also the option of digital proof of vaccination: you will receive a vaccination certificate with QR code after vaccination. Scan this via the Corona warning app or the new CovPass app. After complete vaccination and entry via the QR code, this will suffice as proof. If you have already been vaccinated, you will receive the QR code by mail.

Recognition of international vaccination certificates
» If you have been vaccinated abroad with one of the vaccines vaccinated in Germany or with a vaccine recognized by the PEI, you can have your vaccination certificate recognized / digitized here. Please ask at pharmacies. Not every pharmacy offers this service.

Support for everyday life 

After a long period of digital learning, it can be hard to find your way around and socialize again. Here are some ways to do so:

Learning and entertainment

» ISA Facebook group and Instragram
The Facebook group of ISA and the Instagram account of the International Office provide you with the opportunity to learn about events and network.

Regular meeting "Stammtisch"
Every Thursday evening at 7.30 p.m. our online regulars' table (called "Stammtisch) takes place. There you can meet other students - German and international - can chat, exchange information and play together. You can find the regulars' table information here.  

 Leisure time
Inside and outside the university there are many offers to organize your free time and to socialize about it. Here and here you can find some ideas.

Mental and physical health

» Sports
Participate in the University sports offerings to stay fit and socialize.

» Psychological support
If you are not feeling well and need support, please contact the psychological counselling service of the University of Siegen.

Help and contact 

Please note that the university buildings are currently closed. However, all employees can be reached by email and / or telephone.

International Student Affairs (ISA)

If you have any problems, please contact us. We support you as best we can. Send us your phone number or ask for a video call, if you need to talk.

» International degree seeking students: Ms Eva Grottschreiber
» International exchange students (besides Erasmus): Ms Alicia Platt

If you have any questions regarding registration, change of your studies or your student card, please contact the department STARTING

If you have any questions about your studies, your timetable or you need some help while being in quarantine, please contact the staff of your faculty. Don't hesitate to write to your lecturer directly if you have questions about one of your courses.
You can also get help from the  Academic Advisors of your faculty / study programme.

Examination office

Your Examination Office will also help you with any questions regarding your achievements and registration of your achievemnts / exams.

Psychological consultation
If you have problems with your studies, feel alone or are not feeling well, you are very welcome to contact the Psychological Counselling Service.

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