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•  Geschäftszimmer:
Mo-Fr: 08:00-13:00 Uhr

•  Studentisches Service-Büro:
Mo-Fr: 08:00-16:00 Uhr

  • Mo-Fr.: 9-14 Uhr


Sprachenzentrum der
Universität Siegen

Weidenauer Straße 118
57076 Siegen

Tel.: +49 271/740-3002


Sprachenzentrum der
Universität Siegen

57068 Siegen

Various teaching scenarios in the Language Center

The Language Center aims to implement flexible digital and face-to-face teaching scenarios in the winter semester 2020/21 and adapt to the general situation as well as to the situation of teachers and students.

The planned course formats can be found on the unisono pages of the respective courses. At this point, we would like to present to you a general overview of our self-designed teaching scenarios to give you a better idea of the courses on offer.


Scenario 1 – Face-to-face with digital elements:

The language course will take place at the Language Center if possible. The regular attendance rules apply.

Important: The first two weeks will take place digitally (video conference via Zoom).

The Blended Learning format is also maintained in the face-to-face model. Activities in the moodle course room are part of the course work. A switch to the digital model can therefore take place at any time if required.


Scenario 2 - digital format:

Some courses will take place completely digitally. Our Blended Learning model requires both regular participation in the video conferences as well as solo or group learning activities in the moodle course room.


In both scenarios, there will be the following assessed coursework, which will also serve to determine your language level:

  • Mid-term exams
  • Evaluated audio recordings / written texts
  • Final exam (written exams; oral exam for courses which complete a CEFR level)

Grading scale:

from to grade from to grade
100 97 1,0 80,5 77 2,7
96,5 93 1,3 76,5 73 3,0
92,5 89 1,7 72,5 69 3,3
88,5 85 2,0 68,5 65 4,0


All our courses have the following technical requirements:

  • A functioning and active moodle account
  • A device (computer, laptop, tablet if applicable). Smartphones are not suitable because of the requirements for certain assignments and exams.
  • A stable internet connection, microphone and webcam.

In case of insufficient access to required equipment or close succession of digital and presentational events, the Language Center offers learning rooms. You can book these online from the start of the semester.


This semester we are aiming to offer special events as well:

Hinweise zum Einsatz der Google Suche
•  Geschäftszimmer:
Mo-Fr: 08:00-13:00 Uhr

•  Studentisches Service-Büro:
Mo-Fr: 08:00-16:00 Uhr

  • Mo-Fr.: 9-14 Uhr


Sprachenzentrum der
Universität Siegen

Weidenauer Straße 118
57076 Siegen

Tel.: +49 271/740-3002


Sprachenzentrum der
Universität Siegen

57068 Siegen