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House of Young Talents
Maria Klimach
H-C 6307
+49 271 740-3508

Mo. - Fr.: vormittags

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Call for applications: Awards for Junior Academics

(07.03.2023) As every year, the University of Siegen awards prizes to junior academics for outstanding accomplishments, including some awards in cooperation with regional institutions. Graduates who wrote an outstanding bachelor's, master's or doctoral theses in the past academic year can apply or be nominated.

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Notice: Call for applications for a doctoral scholarship of the Gesellschaft der Freunde und Förderer der Universität Siegen e.V.

(07.03.2023) The Gesellschaft der Freunde und Förderer der Universität Siegen e.V. opened a call for applications for a doctoral scholarship. Application is possible until 9 April 2023.

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The HYT in Querschnitt 01/2023

(14.02.2023) In the current issue, the university newspaper "Querschnitt" reports on the House of Young Talents.

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Information event "Research in Europe" on funding opportunities for young researchers

(11.10.2022) Together with the European Liaison Office of the German Research Organisations (KoWi), the University of Siegen is organising the information day "Research in Europe" for junior researchers on 10 November 2022.

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HYT semester programme published

(11.10.2022) In the winter semester 2022/23, the House of Young Talents will again offer workshops on a wide range of topics: The spectrum ranges from agile project management and leadership in the digital age to SpeedReading and stress management.

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Notice: Gerald D. Feldman Travel Grants of the Max Weber Foundation

(21.07.2022) The Max Weber Foundation is again announcinc Gerald D. Feldman Travel Grants this year. The travel grants support academics in the qualification phase during short research stays abroad and thus promote transnational research work that gives new and original impetus to the humanities and social sciences.

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Apply Now for Scholarships for Doctoral Researchers!

(05.05.2022) The University of Siegen announces, through the House of Young Talents, scholarships to support excellent doctoral researchers.

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Notice: Call for applications “Fulbright Scholarships for Young German Scientists in Doctoral Studies”

(05.05.2022) Fulbright Germany funds young German scholars to conduct a four- to six-month research project at a U.S. university or academic institution that is directly related to their academic dissertation already underway and that begins between 1 January and 31 June 2023.

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HYT semester programme published

(05.04.2022) In addition to numerous classics (such as „Einführung in das qualitative Interview“ and „Forschungsanträge stellen am Beispiel der DFG-„Sachbeihilfe““), the House of Young Talents also has some completely new events in its programme for the first time in the summer semester 2022 (such as „Karriereboost durch Social Media“).

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Notice: Call for applications "Begegnungszonen" of the Joachim Herz Foundation

(17.02.2022) The Joachim Herz Foundation is once again promoting interdisciplinary exchange in the natural sciences through the "Begegnungszonen" programme. The programme supports events for young natural scientists.

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House of Young Talents
Maria Klimach
H-C 6307
+49 271 740-3508

Mo. - Fr.: vormittags