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    / emil / kontakt /


    In the following you will find a list of regular participants and members of EMIL. There is no "main contact" or "team leader". You can contact any of us, if you have questions about EMIL or didactic-related topics.

    EMIL provides an open mailing list in which we will circulate the messages including appointments for newcomers meeting, minutes of meetings, and supporting materials for teaching. You are more than welcome to register here. Please specify your email address and name (note: a password is not required).

    You are interested to join?  New members are always welcome to join us !!

    Current EMIL-Members:

    Name: Armin Grünewald
    Phone: 0271/740-2670
    E-Mail: armin.gruenewald@uni-siegen.de
    • Hardwarepraktikum
    • Projektgruppen und Abschlussarbeiten
    • Praktikum Biomedizinische Sensorik
    More Information
    Name: Bernd Klose
    Phone: 0271/740-4466
    E-Mail: bernd.klose@uni-siegen.de
    • Objektorientierter Systementwurf I
    • Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik
    • Abschlussarbeiten und Projektgruppen
    More Information
    Name: Björn Erwig
    Phone: 0271/740-4554
    E-Mail: erwig@sport.uni-siegen.de
    • Zusatzstudium Sport und Bewegung