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Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christoph Ruland

Universität Siegen
Hölderlinstraße 3
57076 Siegen

Telefon: +49 271 740 2521


Johann-Philipp-Reis Award for Dr. Onur Günlü

25.11.2021 - Johann-Philipp-Reis Award for Dr. Onur Günlü

Dr. Onur Günlü has been awarded for 2021 the prestigious Johann-Philipp-Reis Award of the Information Technology Society (ITG) of the German Association of Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Information Technology e.V. (VDE). As the top biannual award of the VDE ITG for junior scientists with 10.000 euro cash prize, the Johann-Philipp-Reis Award is given to young scientists under 40 whose outstanding and innovative works in communications technology are expected to have an impact on the national economy. The recognized works of Dr. Günlü combine information- and coding-theory, statistical signal processing, and digital circuit theory to authenticate and identify digital devices via Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) to provide provable security and privacy to sensitive data with low cost. His published and patented methods achieve ultimate limits by using low-complexity implementations and can be shown to be future-proof. Distributed machine learning algorithms, future communication systems, tactile internet mechanisms, online shopping and banking systems, and data storage systems are expected to benefit from Dr. Günlü's inventions.

Johann-Philipp-Reis Award for Dr. Onur Günlü

(Bild: Elke Weigelt/Stadt Gelnhausen)


 Official VDE Link: https://www.vde.com/de/presse/pressemitteilungen/johann-philipp-preis-2021



Hinweise zum Einsatz der Google Suche

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christoph Ruland

Universität Siegen
Hölderlinstraße 3
57076 Siegen

Telefon: +49 271 740 2521
