25. Jan. 2011: Seminars in summer 2011. proseminar automata theory and seminar temporal logic16. Nov. 2010: Seminar. Dr. Christine Gaßner Logische Aspekte bei der Betrachtung von Berechnungsmodellen über den reellen Zahlen
10. Jul. 2010: "Seminar", WS10/11. Topic: Recursive Analysis. If interested please contact Prof. Dr. Spreen or Dr. Diener.
9. Feb. 2010: Conference: Siegen Day of Constructive Analysis. Poster
10.30: D. Bridges (University of Canterbury, New Zealand),
Apartness Spaces
11.30: J. Berger (LMU München),
Classifying the Uniform Continuity Theorem
14.30: L. Croscilla (University of Leeds, UK),
History and Philosophy of Constructive Mathematics
15.25: H. Diener (Universität Siegen),
Constructive Reverse Mathematics
16.30: P. Schuster (University of Leeds, UK),
On Paths and Points
Alle talks are held in Room EN-D201.