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International Researchers

Eva Shirley

Contact by email
F-S 405


Keep in mind!

Your stay in Siegen is unfortunately already coming to an end and we hope you enjoyed your stay with us!
Once again there are a number of things that need to be organised, contracts ended, insurances canceled, as well as bureaucratic steps. As most contracts will have a period of cancelation that you need to keep to, we recommend taking care of everything as early as four months before you leave. Of course, if you were only in Siegen for a short period of time, many of these steps won't apply to you. However, we recommend getting in touch with us in due time and we will check what steps need to be taken together.

One important administrative step is the de-registration at the Bürgerbüro [lit. Citizens' Office], which you can take max. one week before and up to two weeks after moving away. To de-register online, please follow this link. Should you moving away within Germany, this does not apply to you.

We would also like to invite you to give us feedback on the Welcome Center's Service, so that we can keep improving and extending our offer. You can give feedback anonymously through this form.

Stay in touch!

We would like to stay in touch once you have left Siegen. The University of Siegen's Research Alumni Programme is the perfect way to do this. You can register as a Research Alumni and create a profile here.

Hinweise zum Einsatz der Google Suche
International Researchers

Eva Shirley

Contact by email
F-S 405