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International Researchers

Eva Shirley

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F-S 405


Finding a place to live is an important matter when moving to a new country. We, therefore, recommend looking for accommodation early enough. As researcher you have a number of options:

University Guest Houses

The University has two guest houses with flats which are available to international researchers. Please contact us for further information.

Private Accommodation

If you are looking to rent your own flat, you should pay particular attention to a few things:

» Is the flat furnished [möbliert or möbl.]?
» Does the flat have a kitchen [Einbauküche or EBK]?
» Which costs are included in the Warmmmiete [lit. warm rent, i.e. rent incl. utilities] indicated? → Often electricity needs to be organised seperately.

Please let us know if you are interested in buying your own furniture, as there are also a number of websites where second-hand furniture is offered.

Search engines include:
» Immo Scout24
» immobilo
» immowelt
» immonet
» Kleinanzeigen

A list of abbreviations used in real estate can be found here. In case your flat won’t be furnished, looking for second-hand furniture could be a good and more cost-effective alternative. Please find more detailed information on where and how to find good second-hand furniture here.

Shared flats

Many students, but also some professionals, in Germany rent rooms in shared houses or flats, or Wohngemeinschaften[WG]. This is a great way of keeping living costs low and meeting new people, who might already know their way around the town and university.
Often rooms are not furnished, but second-hand furniture is easy to come by. Sometimes, furnished rooms are sublet when the tenant is away, making them a great place to begin your stay in Siegen and from where to look for something more permanent.
Generally, costs for electricity, internet, gas/oil are either directly included in your rent to the landlord or shared with the other tenants. Prices given on sites often already include these costs.

There are a number of search engines for rooms in shared flats/houses:

» Studentisches Wohnen in Siegen
» wg-suche.de
» Kleinanzeigen

Short-term Accomodation

Siegen offers a wide range of hotels, AirBnBs, boarding houses, and holiday apartments. Should you be looking for an accommodation for a short-term stay, please do not hesitate to contact us. Based on your preferences and the campus at which you will be working, we can provide you with weblinks to suitable accommodations that may meet your needs.

Important Information

Please be aware that landlords might request that you have a personal liability insurance and a household contents insurance. For further information, please click here.

If you are planning on bringing your pet to Germany, there are a few things to consider, both in terms of accommodation and in general. You can find a helpful overview of the most important regulations on this topic here.

Hinweise zum Einsatz der Google Suche
International Researchers

Eva Shirley

Contact by email
F-S 405