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Alumni Nepal

„Management of Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene linked with Nutrition security for Sustainable Development (WASH-NUT)”
DAAD - 2018 



Alumni Nepal 2018 


The Alumni Seminar was conducted by CICD of the University of Siegen in Pokhara, Nepal, in cooperation with the University of Giessen, the Department of Water Supply and Sewerage (DWSS) of the Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation, Nepal and the German Agro Action Country Office Nepal. The aim was to evaluate and improve approaches and concepts for nutrition in urban and rural areas regarding water supply, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) with 20 alumni experts from Southeast Asian countries.

The visit to the "Leknath Water Supply and Sanitation" project was about the implementation of a water security plan with climate change adaptation component. This coupling with a food security concept in the region was particularly interesting. Activities of the Nepalese government project "Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) for Sustainability and Climate Change Adaptation" were included.

Participating alumni and local stakeholders developed comparisons and strategies to link nutrition concepts to the ongoing project and adapted them to local conditions.

Challenges and gaps of the project were evaluated and alternative solutions and areas of intervention were identified. Special attention was given to how to implement cross-sectoral collaboration between WASH and nutrition. The results of the seminar were summarized in the form of "lessons learned" that alumni can consider in future planning and implementation processes in their respective home countries.


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