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Alumni Relations Best Practice in Europe

logo of the European Commission's Lifelong Learning ProgrammeWith the funding support of Grundtvig, part of the European Commission's Lifelong Learning Programme, University of Siegen is taking part in a project to enhance best practice in Alumni Relations within Europe.

Six further institutions, from four different countries, are currently taking part in the project:

  • Johannes Kepler Society (Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria)
  • University of Navarra (Pamplona, Spain)
  • University of Birmingham (UK)
  • University of Reading (UK)
  • Birkbeck, University of London (UK)
  • CASE Europe, Council for Advancement and Support of Education

Staff and Alumni representatives from all institutions have met in Linz/Austria in December 2008, in Pamplona/Spain in April 2009, in Liverpool/UK in August 2009, in Siegen/Germany in October 2009 and again in UK/London in Feburary 2010, in Linz/Austria in March 2010, in Madrid/Spain in June 2010.

The group as chosen to focus on a variety of areas that will enhance the services they provide to their Alumni and create better, more efficient networks. Discussions at the meetings included:

  • Key performance indicators in alumni relations through benchmarking
  • The working relationship between fundraising and alumni relations and how these disciplines can work effectively together
  • Volunteer management in alumni relations
  • How alumni relations activities can use online communities and social media to advance their programmes
  • Comparing databases for sucessful alumni management
  • Alumni events and reunions
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