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.our network partners

In exchange with other networks we are improving our network. With connections to other networks benefits for the participants of the Alumni-network and offers can be made.

Alumni go Europe

The Alumni Office of the University of Siegen attends the GRUDTVIG-Program, which is part of the European Commission's Lifelong Learning Program. Five institutions from UK, Spain, Austria and Germany are currently taking part in this project to develop their alumni services. The project "Alumni go Europe“ is focused on the improvement of efficient services for successful alumni organisations. This international excange enables benchmarking between the different alumni services. more


alumni-clubs.net e. V. Alumni-clubs.net (registered association) is the platform for communication and cooperation in the Alumni work for Alumni organisations, universities and for all who work or volunteer in these organisations. We are a founder-member in the Union of Alumni Associations in German-speaking-countries, alumni-clubs.net and actively participate in the organisation and exchange of experiences.

Our network partner at the University of Siegen

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