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About the project "Colonisation and Decolonisation in National History Cultures and Memory Politics in European Perspective"

The project, granted under the European Union’s Life Long Learning Programme/ Comenius-CMP, takes a look at colonial pasts and processes of decolonisation in different European states in a comparative perspective. Partners from Belgium, Germany, Estonia, Great Britain, Austria, Poland and Switzerland will join in the analysis and discussion of these issues. The main focus of the project is the question in how far the topic is taught in history lessons in the respective partner countries and which meaning is currently attributed to the colonial past in national history cultures and memory politics.

The aim of the project is to discuss in how far national history cultures in the context of colonisation and processes of decolonisation can be integrated into a collective European framework, starting from the experience that the colonial past is a uniting as well as dividing moment in European history. This means that it has to be considered whether – regardless of the different dividing historical developments and memories – Europe can be or is a memory community with regard to the colonial past, and, respectively, whether the colonial past is or can be a European “space of memory”. Practical outcomes of the project are lesson modules, developed in cooperation with the partners, for a European history education in Europe.

Project duration: 01.10.2013 - 30.09.2015

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