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ECOQUEST & Education

The consortium includes 4 renowned European Universities and Research Centres, i.e. nearly one half of the total partnership, a situation which will be highly beneficial to training and education. For undergraduate, post-graduate and PhD students, the participation to such programs is a unique opportunity: the research performed is of high quality due to the expertise accumulated in the consortium, the concentration of financial resources and the innovative scientific route which ECOQUEST will develop i.e. new flow control concepts. It also provides exposure to a multicultural environment and to establish international relationships that are useful to build and strengthen the European Research Area.

As users, developers and suppliers of advanced innovative technologies, automotive and locomotive/train manufacturer know the value and importance of continuously developing human skills, contributing to the European objective of moving toward a knowledge-based society. The partnership will bring students and scientists an excellent opportunity to gain experience in the European scientific community in the field of engineering. Giving education a high priority will ensure the long-term supply of first-class, well-trained and suitably qualified engineers and scientists.