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ECOQUEST is a research project, mainly financed by the European Union and executed by nine European partners from industry, universities and research institutes.

The project aims at efficient and quiet cooling systems for surface transport applicaitons (rail bound, automotive and heavy duty).

Energy efficiency is a fundamental demand in transportation industry. Beside renewable energy, efficiency represents the most important instrument to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide. Efforts for lower emission levels must comprise all energy consuming subsystems of transportation vehicles. One important subsystem is the cooling unit with a remarkable demand for additional energy. However, there is no true system analysis approach so far compromising the thermal or energetic performance. ECOQUEST will optimize cooling systems from the early concept phase with the aim of compact, high-performance and low-energy cooling systems.

Noise represents another environmental impact. Unter specific operational conditions, the coolling system represents the most important noise source. Acoustic optimization is a major objective in ECOQUEST and will be considered throughout the project.

Results of ECOQUEST will contribute to modern transport vehicles with lower envinronmental impact strengthening the position of European industry within the world market.