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Mi. 02.08.2023, Oberseminar Geomathematik

Thema: Slepian concentration problem for polynomials on the ball. Referent: Xinpeng Huang (TU Bergakademie Freiberg) Raum: ENC-B 205, Zeit: 10:15 Uhr

Oberseminar Geomathematik

Slepian concentration problem for polynomials on the ball.

Mittwoch, den 2. August 2023, 10:15 Uhr, Raum ENC-B 205 ,

Referent: Xinpeng Huang
 (TU Bergakademie Freiberg)


We consider the Slepian spatiospectral concentration problem for the space of multivariate polynomials on the unit ball in. We will discuss the phenomenon of asymptotically bimodal distribution of eigenvalues of the spatiospectral concentration operators, in particular, the characterization of the transition position (so-called Shannon number) of these eigenvalues and its connection with the definition of spectral bandwidth. We will also illustrate our analytical results with numerical examples performed on the 3-D ball.


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