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Mo. 5.12.2016, Oberseminar Algebra

Thema: Mathematical aspects of quantum information processing Referent: Prof. Dr. Otfried Gühne (Universität Siegen), Raum: ENC-B 205 , Zeit: 14:15 Uhr.

Oberseminar Algebra

Mathematical aspects of quantum information processing

Montag, 5.12.2016, 14:15 Uhr, Raum: ENC-B 205,

Referent: Prof. Dr. Otfried Gühne (Universität Siegen)


Quantum information processing connects quantum physics with information theory. Possible long term aims of this field are the construction of a quantum computer or the implementation of quantum cryptography. Apart from physical issues, there are many interesting open mathe- matical questions in this field. In my talk, I will explain some of them. The- se are the classification of positive maps, the tensor rank problem and the connection of Bell inequalities with the Grothendieck constant.


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