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Di. 04.07.2017, Oberseminar Algebra

Thema: Computation of the supersymmetric cusp anomalous dimension to four-loop accuracy by means of a homogeneous integral basis. Referent: Dr. Tobias Huber (Universität Siegen), Raum: ENC-B 314, Zeit: 14:00 Uhr c.t.

Oberseminar Algebra

Computation of the supersymmetric cusp anomalous dimension to four-loop accuracy by means of a homogeneous integral basis

Dienstag, 04.07.2017, 14:00 Uhr c.t., Raum: ENC-B 314,

Referent: Dr. Tobias Huber (Universität Siegen)


The structure of infrared (soft and collinear) divergences in quantum field theory is governed by a universal quantity, the cusp anomalous dimension. Up to the third order in the perturbative expansion, the supersymmetric version of this quantity has a particularly simple structure in terms of the invariants of the underlying gauge group. Starting at the fourth (loop) order, new terms arise and there have been numerous conjectures about the size of these new terms. Recently we calculated the new terms at four-loop order explicitly for the first time, and I will report on the result of this calculation which was achieved by choosing a suitable basis of loop integrals. I will also outline the algorithm which we used to find this basis. Moreover, I will explain how the supersymmetric cusp anomalous dimension is related to realistic theories such as that of the strong interaction, Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD).



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