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Mo. 24.07.2017, Oberseminar Algebra

Thema: Scattering amplitudes, integrability via computational algebraic geometry: A Singular Approach. Referent: Prof. Dr. Yang Zhang (ETH Zürich), Raum: ENC-B 127, Zeit: 14:00 Uhr c.t.

Oberseminar Algebra

Scattering amplitudes, integrability via computational algebraic geometry: A Singular Approach.

Montag, 24.07.2017, 14:00 Uhr c.t., Raum: ENC-B 127,

Referent: Prof. Dr. Yang Zhang (ETH Zürich)



The current development of theoretical physics, especially in the fields of scattering amplitudes and integrability, involves a lot of novel approaches from computational algebraic geometry. We aim at solving several bott- leneck problems in modern physics, using algebraic geometry tools like Groebner basis, syzygies, resultant and also D-module tools like polyno- mial annihilators. I will present reducing LHC-related complicated Feyn- man integrals with syzygies and solving Bethe Ansatz equations with Gro- ebner basis/resultant, as explicit examples. The usage of Singular for the- se frontier physics problems will be discussed.



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