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Buddy Program/Kroenchenstart

N. N.

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Project Krönchenstart


 Article about Krönchenstart in the newspaper "Querschnitt".

Here you can download the flyer

The Krönchenstart project took place from the winter semester 2020 to the end of December 2021 and has now ended.
Various tutorials on specific topics (How to study smarter, Interacting with professors, library tour, public transportation) were created as a resource and can be found here:


What makes our minds strong…!"- Mastering challenges and hurdles in everyday university life confidently and successfully with mental strength, mindfulness and composure.

Workshop Resilienz

The highest priority in this workshop is to strengthen the mental immune system, the so-called resilience or mental resistance, in order to improve 
one's own stress resistance in everyday university life. To achieve this goal, participants will learn proven stress management techniques and how to use them effectively.

In addition, reflection processes are guided so that participants recognize their own potentials, strengths and resources, and
learn how they can use these to master difficult situations with confidence.

Based on the knowledge imparted as well as the techniques and strategies,
the psychological well-being of the students, their mental resilience, is to be promoted and strengthened so that hurdles and challenges in everyday university life can be overcome without stress or without any problems.

- The 7 pillars of resilience
Stressmodel according to Lazarus
- Proven techniques for effective and healthy stress management in everyday university life
- Scientifically based methods of cognitive and positive psychology for the development of individual self-efficacy
- Reflection of own action and thinking patterns
- Successful as well as constructive patterns of thinking and behavior to strengthen, stabilize and improve the individual resilience as well as the individual stress competence.

The two-day workshop will be conducted online in English language by an external trainer.
For registration please pick a date and send an email to: Laura.yilmaz@zv.uni-siegen.de

What was Krönchenstart?

Krönchenstart was a peer-to-peer level student project, which aimed at supporting international students through tutorials at the beginning of their studies. 

The tutorials took place on a weekly basis throughout the semester. They included interdisciplinary topics, such as study organization and studying for exams. 

Groups consisted of 10–12 participants.

The program was financed through quality improvement funds called Qualitätsverbesserungsmittel (QVM) of the University of Siegen.

Project aims:

» Contributes to academic success
» Exchange on peer-to-peer level
» Promotion of independent organization during studies
» Provides orientation in the German study system

Who could participate in the program?

All enrolled international students at the University of Siegen who are studying in the natural sciences and technology field (Faculty IV).

Benefits of participating:

» Support when starting your studies
» An easier and more relaxed introductory phase of your studies
» Getting to know people

Which topics were covered?

» Study and examination regulations
» Important persons of contact and support services at the University of Siegen
» Time management*
» Study strategies/styles & study habits
» Preparing for exams
» Reading and understanding German „Textaufgaben“
» Presenting and visualising

*An external trainer will conduct Workshops on Time and Selfmanagement:
November, 19th 2021
November, 26th 2021
December, 03rd 2021

In addition, in January 2022 there was offered Workshops on resilience & stressmanagement.

Did the participation cost anything?

The participation was free of charge.
The program was financed through quality improvement funds called Qualitätsverbesserungsmittel (QVM) of the University of Siegen. 

How much time did the tutorials take place? 

Tutorials took place on a weekly basis and take 90 minutes.
Participation was compulsory for one semester. 

On which language did the tutorials take place?

The tutorials have been held in German or English.



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Buddy Program/Kroenchenstart

N. N.

Contact by email