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Short CV

1980 Doctoral degree at the University/GH Wuppertal
1984-1990 Postgraduate assistant of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Bielefeld
1990 Postdoctoral degree at the University/GH Wuppertal
1991-1995 University lecturer (C2) at the Faculty 2 of the BU Wuppertal; member of the research training group "Hermeneutik und Phänomenologie" ("Hermeneutics and Phenomenology") at the universities of Wuppertal and Bochum
WS 93/94 and
WS 94/95
Substitution of a C-4 professorship "Philosophie und ihre Didaktik" ("Philosophy and its didactics") at the Faculty of Educational Studies at the Christian Alberts University of Kiel
1995 Accepted the Chair of Philosophy (C-4 professorship) at the University of Kiel
1995-1998 C-3 professorship in Philosophy at the University of Duisburg
since 1.4.1998 C-4 professorship in Philosophy at the University of Siegen
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