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Publications (*peer reviewed)


*_ Linking Pins as Drivers of Interagency Cooperation:  Humanitarian NGOs and Security Networks, in: Globalizations (with Jutta Joachim), accepted for publication 11 September 2020


*_Militarization 2.0: Communication and the Normalization of Political Violence in the Digital Age, in: International Studies Review, (with: Susan T. Jackson, Rhys Crilley, Ilan Manor, Catherine Baker, Modupe Oshikoja, Jutta Joachim, Nick Robinson, Nicole Sunday Grove, Cynthia Enloe), https://doi.org/10.1093/isr/viaa035

*_Populist Leadership: The Superhero Donald Trump as Savior in Times of Crisis, in: Political Studies, https://doi.org/10.1177/0032321720916604

*_Norm Sabotage: Conceptual Reflection on a Phenomenon That Challenges Well-Established Norms, in: International Studies Perspectives, https://doi.org/10.1093/isp/ekaa003

*_Why Trust You? Security Cooperation Within Humanitarian NGO Networks, in: Disasters 44(1): 25-43,  https://doi.org/10.1111/disa.12363



_Situating the Gender Mainstreaming Norm in Regional Organizations: Comparing the Incorporation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 in the EU and the OSCE. In: Lars Engberg-Pedersen, Adam Moe Fejerskov, Signe Marie Cold-Ravnkilde (eds.): Rethinking Gender Equality in Global Governance. The Delusion of Norm Diffusion, Palgrave Macmillan, 97-120 (with Jutta Joachim and Anne Jenichen)

*_The New Defenders of Human Rights? How Radical Right-Wing TNGOs Are Using the Human Rights Discourse to Promote Their Ideas, in: Global Society 33 (2):149-162

_NGOs and Post-Positivism: Two Likely Friends? In: Thomas Davies (eds.): Routledge Handbook of NGOs and International Relations, 101-112 (with Jutta Joachim and Chris Nijhuis) 



*_Humanitarian NGOs as Norm Takers: The Translation of Vague International Norms as an Expression of Organizational Autonomy. In: Journal of International Organizations Studies 9 (1): 45-59 (with Charlotte Dany)

*_Hiding in plain sight: Private military and security companies' use of Twitter as a distraction tool (with Jutta Joachim, Magnus Dau, Marlen Martin, Henriette Lange), in: Media, War & Conflict, doi: 0.1177/1750635218810912

*_How to Analyze Social Media? Assessing the Promise of Mixed-Methods Designs for Studying Twitter Feeds of PMSCs (with Jutta Joachim, Magnus Dau, Marlen Martin, Henriette Lange), in: International Studies Perspectives. doi: 10.1093/isp/eky013

*_Telling the Story of the Superhero and the Anti-Politician as President: Donald Trump’s Branding on Twitter, in: Political Studies Review, https://doi.org/10.1177/1478929918807712

*_Explaining variation in global norm implementation by regional organizations: UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace, and security in the OSCE and the EU (with Anne Jenichen and Jutta Joachim), in: International Political Science Review (accepted for publication 28 May 2018) 

*_Privatisierung von Sicherheit in Deutschland - Einleitung zum Themenschwerpunkt. In: Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung 7: 1, 44-55 (with Jutta Joachim)

*_Neoliberale Legitimationsdiskurse der Privatisierung von Sicherheit in Deutschland In: Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung 7: 1, 56-86 (with Jutta Joachim)

*_Private Security and Identity Politics. Ethical Hero Warriors, Professional Managers and New Humanitarians. Routledge (with Jutta Joachim)

_Transnationale Expertise. Internal Cohesion and External Recognition of Expert Groups. Nomos (together with Christian Henrich-Franke, Christian Lahusen und Robert Kaiser).

_Introduction. In: Andrea Schneiker, Christian Henrich-Franke, Robert Kaiser und Christian Lahusen (eds.): Transnationale Expertise. Internal Cohesion and External Recognition of Expert Groups. Nomos, 13-28 (with Robert Kaiser, Christian Lahusen, Christian Henrich-Franke).

_Conclusion. In: Andrea Schneiker, Christian Henrich-Franke, Robert Kaiser und Christian Lahusen (eds.): Transnationale Expertise. Internal Cohesion and External Recognition of Expert Groups. Nomos, 205-220 (with Robert Kaiser, Christian Lahusen, Christian Henrich-Franke).

*_“Gendering” European Security: Policy Changes, Reform Coalitions and Opposition in the OSCE. In: European Security 27:1, 1-19 (with Anne Jenichen und Jutta Joachim), https://doi.org/10.1080/09662839.2018.1433660

*_Risk Aware or Risk Averse? Challenges in Implementing Security Risk Management within Humanitarian NGOs. In: Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy 9: 2, 107-131

*_Twittering For Talent: Private Military and Security Companies Between Business and Military Branding. In: Contemporary Security Policy 39:2, 298-316. (with Jutta Joachim, Marlen Martin, Henriette Lange, Magnus Dau) 

*_Revisiting Global Governance in Multistakeholder Initiatives: Club Governance Based on Ideational Prealignments. In: Global Society 32:1, 2-22 http://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/7W59aHjwGAVYMUgFCIQt/full   (free copy) (with Jutta Joachim)

*_Humanitarian NGOs as Businesses and Managers: Theoretical Reflection on an Under-Explored Phenomenon. In: International Studies Perspectives 19: 2, 170-187 (mit Jutta Joachim)  




*_NGOs as Norm Takers: Insider-Outsider Networks as Translators of Norms. In: International Studies Review 19:3, 381–406


*_The role and importance of individual religiosity in refugee aid volunteering. A state-of-the-art report of relevant research. In: Theo-Web 16:2, 181-203 (with Ulrich Riegel)


 _Assessing Meaning Construction on Social Media: A Case of Normalizing Militarism. Sipri Policy Brief (with Susan Jackson, Jutta Joachim, Nick Robinson) 


*_Migration aus der Gewalt, als Gewalt und in die Gewalt. Konzeptionelle Überlegungen zum Zusammenhang von menschlicher Mobilität und politischer Gewalt. In: Die Friedens-Warte 91:1-2, 127-150 (with André Bank and Christiane Fröhlich)

*_External networks and institutional idiosyncrasies: the Common Security and Defence Policy and UNSCR 1325 on women, peace and security. In: Cambridge Review of International Affairs 30 (1): 105-124 (with Jutta Joachim and Anne Jenichen) 

*_Researching Non-State Actors in International Security: Theory and Practice, Routledge (gemeinsame Herausgeberschaft mit Andreas Kruck)

 _Introduction: Researching Non-State Actors in International Security – A Multitude of Challenges, a Plurality of Approaches, in: Andreas Kruck und Andrea Schneiker (Hrsg.): Researching Non-State Actors in International Security: Theory and Practice, Routledge, 1-13 (mit Andreas Kruck)

_Private Security and Military Companies (PSMCs), in: Tobias Ide (ed.): Friedens- und Konfliktforschung. Barbara Budrich, 261-285.

*_The Political Dynamics of Human Mobility: Migration out of, as and into Violence. In: Global Policy 8: 1, 12-18 (with André Bank and Christiane Fröhlich) 



_Sicherheit in den Internationalen Beziehungen. Theoretische Perspektiven und aktuelle Entwicklungen. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. Series "Elemente der Politik".

_Die richtig guten Gutmenschen. Commentary. Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft.

_NGO-NGO Relations. In: Rafael Biermann and Joachim A. Koops (eds.): Palgrave Handbook of Inter-organizational Relations in World Politics. Palgrave, 319-336.

*_The Issue of Gender and Armed Contractors. In: Joakim Berndtsson and Christopher Kinsey (eds.): The Routledge Research Companion to Outsourcing Security: the Role of the Market in 21st Century Warfare, Routledge, 270-281 (with Jutta Joachim)

*_Private Security and Military Companies. In: Tobias Ide (ed.): Studienbrief Friedens- und Konfliktforschung der FernUniversität in Hagen. 

_Between marketization and altruism: humanitarian assistance, NGOs and private military and security companies. In: Volker M. Heins, Kai Koddenbrock, Christine Unrau (eds.): Humanitarianism and Challenges of Cooperation, 185-198 (with Jutta Joachim)

_Privatisierung von Krieg? Problemfelder des Einsatzes privater Militär- und Sicherheitsfirmen in der modernen Kriegführung. In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 35-36: 39-44, Themenheft "Moderne Kriegführung" (with Elke Krahmann), forthcoming. 

_Policy Paper on Private Military and Security Companies: Capacity Gained - Accountability Lost? Establishing a Better Political and Regulatory Framework. For Discussion at the 52nd Munich Security Conference. Für Transparency International (mit Elke Krahmann)   



*_NGOs and the Price of Governance: The Trade-Offs between Regulating and Criticizing Private Military and Security Companies. In: Critical Military Studies 1:3,185-201 (with Jutta Joachim)

*_Humanitarian NGO Security Networks and Organisational Learning: Identity Matters and Matters of Identity. In: Voluntas. International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 26:1, 144-170.

*_Humanitarian NGOs, (In)Security and Identity: Epistemic Communities and Security Governance. Ashgate Series Global Security in a Changing World.

_Internationale NGOs: Experten, Anwälte und Aktivisten. In E+Z 10/2015, pp. 21-23. (with Charlotte Dany)

_Humanitarian Action for Sale. Private Military and Security Companies in the Humanitarian Space. In: Zeynep Sezgin and Dennis Dijkzeul (eds.): The new humanitarians in international practice: Emerging actors and contested principles. Routledge, 192-209 (with Jutta Joachim)

_Private Sicherheitsfirmen. In: Thomas Jäger (ed.): Handbuch Sicherheitsgefahren. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, 449-457. 

_Privatized Humanitarianism? The Role of Private Military and Security Companies in the Field. In: Roger Mac Ginty and Jenny H. Peterson (eds.): Handbook on Humanitarian Action. Routledge, 228-240 (with Jutta Joachim)

*_The License to Exploit: PMSCs, Masculinities and Third Country Nationals. In: Maya Eichler (ed.): Gender and Private Security in Global Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 114-128 (with Jutta Joachim)



*_Epistemische Gemeinschaften und transnationale Governance: Humanitäre Sicherheitsexperten als Motor für Wandel. In: Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen 01/2014 39-78.

*_All for One and One in All: PMSCs as Soldiers, Business Managers and Humanitarians. In: Cambridge Review of International Affairs 27:2, 246-267 (with Jutta Joachim) 



*_The vulnerable do-gooders: Security strategies of German aid agencies. In: Disasters 37: 2, 244-266.

_Von taffen Jungs und schwächelnden Soldaten: Eine Genderanalyse der Denationalisierung von Sicherheit. In: Andreas Fischer-Lescano and Peter Mayer (eds.): Recht und Politik globaler Sicherheit. Bestandsaufnahme und Erklärungsansätze. Frankfurt am Main: Campus, 303-334 (with Jutta Joachim)

_European countries and the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325. In: Gülay Caglar, Elisabeth Prügl and Susanne Zwingel (eds.): Feminist Strategies in International Governance. New York/London 2013: Routledge, 191-207 (with Jutta Joachim)



*_Of 'true professionals' and 'ethical hero warriors': A gender discourse analysis of private military and security companies. In: Security Dialogue 43: 6, 495-512 (with Jutta Joachim)

*_Private Sicherheits- und Militärfirmen. Ein Chamäleon der internationalen Politik: In: Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung 1: 1 (2012), 37-64. (with Jutta Joachim)

*_Changing Discourses, Changing Practices? Gender Mainstreaming and Security. In: Comparative European Politics 10: 5 (2012), 528-563 (with Jutta Joachim)

*_New Humanitarians? Frame Appropriation through Private Military and Security Companies. In: Millennium: Journal of Internationals Studies 40: 2 (2012), 365-388 (with Jutta Joachim)

_(Re)Masculinisation of Security? Gender and Private Military and Security Companies. In: Linda Ahall and Laura J. Shepherd (eds.): Gender, Agency and Political Violence. Basingstoke 2012: Palgrave, 70-92 (with Jutta Joachim)

_Warum so freundlich? Der Umgang von NGOs mit Privaten Sicherheits- und Militärfirmen. In: Chistopher Daase, Philipp Offermann and Valentin Rauer (eds.): Sicherheitskultur. Analysen zur sozialen Praxis der Gefahrenabwehr. Frankfurt am Main 2012: Campus, 277-298.  (with Jutta Joachim)



*_Sicherheitskonzepte deutscher Hilfsorganisationen. Zwischen Identitätswahrung und Pragmatismus. In: Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik 4: 4 (2011), 627-644.



_Security Governance durch Verhaltskodizes. Regulierungsmodi für private Sicherheits- und Militärfirmen. In: Hans-Georg Ehrhart and Martin Kahl (eds.): Security Governance in und für Europa. Konzepte, Akteure, Missionen. Baden-Baden 2010: Nomos, 151-166.



*_Terrorismus in Kolumbien und Mexiko? Präsidiale Diskurse über nichtstaatliche Gewaltakteure. In: Hamburg Review of Social Sciences 4: 2 (2009), 74-99.

*_Das Geschäft mit der Sicherheit: die Arbeit von Privaten Sicherheits- und Militärfirmen in Kriegs- und Nachkriegskontexten. In: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie. Schwerpunktheft 35: 1 (2009), 75-96.

_Die Selbst- und Koregulierung privater Sicherheits- und Militärfirmen. Baden-Baden: Nomos (Demokratie, Sicherheit, Frieden Bd. 193).

_Statebuilding durch private Polizisten? Die Privatisierung von Polizeieinsätzen im Irak und in Afghanistan. In: Rafal Behr and Thomas Ohlemacher (eds.): Offene Grenzen - Polizieren in der Sicherheitsarchitektur einer post-territorialen Welt. Frankfurt am Main 2009: Verlag für Polizeiwissenschaft, 101-111.



*_Die Selbstregulierung privater Sicherheits- und Militärfirmen als Instrument der Marktbeeinflussung. In: Sicherheit und Frieden 26: 4 (2008), 214-219. 

_Private Sicherheits- und Militärfirmen in Kolumbien. In: matices. Zeitschrift zu Lateinamerika, Spanien und Portugal. 15: 57, 31-32.

_CDU. In: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung: Online-Dossier Parteien. 



_Aus Söldnern werden Geschäftsleute: Die Marketingstrategien privater Militärfirmen. In: Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft. Heft 4/2007, 74-89.

_Private Polizisten - Statebuilder der Zukunft? Die Privatisierung von Polizeieinsätzen im Irak und in Afghanistan. In: Polizeit & Wissenschaft. Heft 3/2007, 46-51.

_National Regulatory Regimes for PSMCs and their Activities: Benefits and Shortcomings. In: Thomas Jäger and Gerhard Kümmel (eds.): Private Military and Security Companies. Chances, Problems, Pitfalls and Prospects, Wiesbaden 2007: VS Verlag, 407-418.



_Privatisierung des Militärischen? In: WeltTrends 13: 49 (2006), 135-143. 




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