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Short CV

Born 1933 in Potsdam. Study at the universities of Marburg, Hamburg and Bonn as well as at the Akademie für Internationales Recht (Academy for International Law) in Den Haag: Law, Political Science, Swedish Language and Literature. 1956 first legal state examination in Hamburg, 1961 final legal state examination in Hannover, 1962 Dr. iur. degree in Bonn . Verlagslektor (publishing house reader) in Neuwied 1961-1963 (school laws and youth laws)), postgraduate assistant at the universities of Bonn and Gießen 1963-1971 (Public Law and Science of Politics).

Since 1971 tenured professor in Siegen (Political Science, Public Law), 1998 emeritus. At the same time professorship for Youth-and School Law at the University of Gießen (1973-2001). Since 1998 lawyer in Darmstadt.

Member of the commission School Law of the Deutschen Juristentages (German Jurist Congress) 1978 (model draft of a federal state school law). Member of scientific advisory councils of the Deutsche Institut für Fernstudien (German Institute for Foreign Studies) 1980-1988 (distance learning study courses Political Education, International Relations).
Member of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Politikwissenschaft (German Political Science Association) 1980-1998. Member of the German Association of University Professors and Lecturers (chairman of the National Association of North Rhine-Westphalia 1975-1978, chairman of the organisation of Siegen 1975-1998). Scientific assistant of the project "Implementation of Environmental Mediation in Germany" 1997-2001, scientific advisor of the "Fördervereins Mediation im öffentlichen Bereich" (Sponsoring Association of Mediation in Public), member of the board of trustees of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mediation (German Mediation Society). Since 2000 regular participation in advanced training courses of the "Proyecto Ordenamiento Territorial Ambientalmente Sustentable de la Region Metropolitana de Santiago" (OTAS) in Chile (Curso Participación y Mediacion), funded by the  GTZ.

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