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List of publications (PDF, in German)

Current projects

Earlier projects

Project management

2012–2015 The effects of regional and neighbourhood contexts on young people’s aspirations and access to vocational education and training in Germany, project within the DFG Priority Programme 1146 »Education as a Lifelong Process. Analyzing Data of the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS)«
2010–2014 L’état, c’était moi. Transformation von Staatlichkeit und ihre Folgen für Deutungsmuster, Habitusformationen und berufliches Selbstverständnis, funded by the DFG
2008–2014 Unemployment Benefit II Sanctions - Perspectives of Experts and Young Clients (Sanktionen im SGB II – Perspektiven von Fachkräften und jungen KlientInnen): Cooperation with the IAB
1999–2009 Sozialstaatliche Transformationen: Auswirkungen auf familiale Verpflichtungszusammenhänge und die Wahrnehmung sozialer Ungleichheit (with Jutta Allmendinger)
1999–2009 Couples, money and individualization (Gemeinsam leben, getrennt wirtschaften)? project within the Special Research Unit 536 »Reflexive Modernization« of the University of Munich.
This project was also associated with the DFG Priority Programme 1161 »Panel Analysis of Intimate Relationships and Family dynamics«
2005–2008 Organisational reform of labour administration and new measures for the unemployed (Organisationsreform der Arbeitsverwaltung und neue Maßnahmen für Arbeitssuchende). Cooperation project with the IAB Nuremberg
2004–2007 Studying today (Studieren heute)
2002–2005 Building a SUF from the employment statistics of the German Federal Employment Agency
Note the information portal on the new SUF (IABS-R01)
1998–1999 Student survey 1999 (funded by the Society of Friends and Supporters of the University). Co-management (with colleagues at the Institute of Sociology, LMU Munich)
1997–1998 Business foundation out of unemployment (Existenzgründungen aus Arbeitslosigkeit); funded by the IHK Bayern. Co-management (with colleagues at the Institute of Sociology, LMU Munich).
1996–1999 Homelessness and the penal system (Wohnungslosigkeit und Strafvollzug); funded by the DFG.
List of publications from this project
1995–1996 Youth survey Munich (Jugendsurvey München); funded by the city of Munich. Co-management (with colleagues at the Institute of Sociology, LMU Munich).

Work as a research assistant/associate

1989–1991 New decision making structures in the legal system (Geänderte Entscheidungsstrukturen im Justizsystem); project C1 of the Special Research Unit 227 of the University of Bielefeld »Prevention and intervention in childhood and adolescence (Prävention und Intervention im Kindheits- und Jugendalter«; director: Prof. Dr. Peter-Alexis Albrecht).
1986–1992 Two panel studies on the influence of treatment and of social factors on the course of the affective disorders (funded by the BMFT). Psychiatric University Hospital Munich (director: PD Dr. Waldemar Greil).
1986-1989 Unemployment in the service society (Arbeitslosigkeit in der Dienstleistungsgesellschaft); funded by the DFG. Munich social research project group (directors: Wolfgang Bonß and Klaus Eder).
1981–1983 14 and 15 year olds in juvenile corrections (14- und 15jährige im Strafvollzug); funded by the BMJ. Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology at the Law Department of the LMU Munich (director: Prof. Dr. Horst Schüler-Springorum).
1980–1981 Juvenile repeat offenders (Jugendliche Mehrfachtäter); funded by the BMJ. Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology at the Law Department of the LMU Munich (director: Prof. Dr. Horst Schüler-Springorum).
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