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    Projekt BEinGRID

    darin eingebettet die Teilprojekte BE6 und BE8


    Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Uni Siegen http://www-winfo.uni-siegen.de/


    75 Institutionen/Unternehmen in den Gruppen "Core team" und "BE participants", u.a. Atos Origin, British Telecom, Telefonica, T-Systems, HLRS


    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Grauer
    Dipl.-Wirt.-Inf. Julian Reichwald
    Dipl.-Inf. Frank Thilo


    BE6 - Groundwater modelling
    BE8 - Integration of engineering and business processes in metal forming


    Grid-Technologien, Virtual Prototyping, Grundwassermanagement


    Grid technology is at the critical transition phase from research and academic use to a wider adoption by enterprise in business contexts. The use of Grid technology brings great many benefits such the optimisation of IT resources and the increase of application process flexibility with a consequent reduction of costs and risks for end-users. Grid accepts large complex systems, allows the sharing of networked resources and also enables new business processes in distributed administrative domains.

    The lack of reference business cases to persuade potential users, is leading to a weak commercial exploitation of results in R&D Grid projects and so of the general deployment of this technology into the market, weakening the EU´s competitiveness and leadership in this technological area.

    BEinGRID will establish effective routes to foster the adoption of the so-called Next Generation Grid technologies and to stimulate research into innovative business models.

    The strategic objectives of BEinGRID are:

    • To explore and gather the requirements for the commercial Grid environment, involving software vendors, IT integrators, service providers and end-users.
    • To enable and validate the adoption of Grid technologies in industry.
    • To design and build a Grid toolset repository with components and solutions based on main Grid foundation middlewares such as Globus Toolkit, gLite, Unicore, Gria and open WS specifications.
    • To run a critical mass of Grid-enabled pilots embracing a broad spectrum of economic sectors with different needs and requirements in terms of technological Grid challenges.

    Thus, BEinGRID will undertake a series of targeted business experiments (BE) designed to implement and deploy Grid solutions in a broad spectrum of European business sectors (entertainment, financial, industrial, chemistry, gaming, retail, textile, etc).

    The overall result of the project will be a collection of key middleware components, Grid solutions and successful case studies as a result of putting into practice the real-world pilots and to report the best-practice guidelines of Grid pilot experiences.
    The creation of a toolset repository that gathers high-level services, new tools and innovative Grid application solutions will result in a "Grid market place" that will make it easy for individuals and organisations to create, provide and use Grid technologies for the enhancement of their business.