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Network meeting in Darmstadt

From left to right: Prof. Andonaq Londo, Dr.´in Marlene Sanjose, Ardit Gjeta, Prof. Dr. Thomas Carolus and Prof.´in Stéphane Moreau

The University of Siegen works hard to promote scientific exchanges across the world. All across the world there are Research Alumni, researchers who have previously studied at the University of Siegen, who have strong connections to the personnel based here at the University. These connections need to be maintained and strengthened through meetups and continued scientific cooperation.

One example of how to maintain these bonds was seen at a Research Alumni network meeting, which took place at the FAN 2018 international conference in April 2018. Both the network meeting and the conference itself were co-organised by Prof. Dr. Carolus, Chair of Fluid Mechanics and Turbomachinery at the University of Siegen. The conference itself was an example of scientific cooperation, the other organisers were the University of Darmstadt, which hosted the conference, and 2 French research institutions, CETIAT (Centre Technique des Industries Aérauliques et Thermiques, and CETIM (Centre technique des industries mécaniques). The main themes of the conference included the applications of fans, their noise output, and their aerodynamics.

Prof. Dr. Carolus, together with one of his research assistant from Siegen, Dr.-Ing. Konrad Bamberger, exhibited their joint research at the conference, together with Prof. Andonaq Londo and Ardit Gjeta from the Polytechnical University of Tirana, Albania. Their exhibition was titled: “Parametric Study of Volutes for Optimal Centrifugal Fan Impellers.” Ardit Gjeta came to Siegen for 11 months in 2016 to work upon this research. Their academic success of their work highlights the value of international scientific cooperation.

Also present at the network meeting were Prof. Stéphane Moreau and Dr. Sanjosé, both from the University of Sherbrooke, Canada. Both of whom have worked closely with Prof. Dr. Carolus in the past. Prof. Moreau and Prof. Dr. Carolus collaborated on an EU FP7 research project in 2009, whereas Dr. Sanjosé came to Siegen as a visiting researcher for four months in 2016. Since returning to Sherbrooke, Dr Sanjosé hosts PH.D. students who wish to make academic visits there from Siegen.

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