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Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

Michaela Krex
Dual Career Service

E-Mail: michaela.krex@zv.uni-siegen.de
Tel.: +49 (0)271/740-4827
Fax: +49 (0)271/740-14827

Montag - Donnerstag
08:30 - 13:30 Uhr
Und nach Vereinbarung

Formalities and information


FormalesBy clicking on the following links, you will find useful information and forms to help you settle in.

 Formalities | Administrative issues |Information

  • License Fee (Rundfunkbeitrag - legally prescribed contribution for citizens, companies and institutions as well as for public interest bodies to finance public broadcasting service based on a contributory model

Regional links

Related links and information sources

Information on the district of Siegen-Wittgenstein and adjacent cities, municipalities and districts

District of Siegen-Wittgenstein

Neighbouring districts