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    Evolution and the Public (1859-2009)

    The discussion of a scientific idea
    and its ramifications since Charles Darwin


    Please fill out the registration form completely. Then click the "Register"-Button. An e-mail will be sent to your e-mail address shortly afterwards. This mail contains your data, as well as a link to confirm your registration. Please note that confirming the link is required in order to complete your registration.
    Your information about the meals is binding. € 15 per meal (maximum) will be charged on the first conference day. Please note that we only accept cash for payment.
    Your data will be used for planning purposes only and will not be disclosed to third parties.

    First Name *
    Last Name *
    Title (e.g. Dr.)
    E-mail *
    Phone *
    Street *
    Zip code/Postcode + Town *
    Country *
        Thursday Friday Saturday

    * mandatory

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