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Staff / Mitarbeiter

Head of Chair

reggiani Univ.-Prof. Paolo Reggiani, Ph.D. 
Head of Chair
paolo.reggiani (at) uni-siegen.de 
+49 271 740-2162 
Room: PB-B 028/3


BoykoDr. Oleksiy Boyko 
Research assistent
oleksiy.boyko (at) uni-siegen.de 
+49 271 740-2654 
Room: PB-B 028/2

Dennis Meissner
Doctoral student (external) 

meissner (at) bafg.de 
image3Hector Eduardo Moya Rojas, M.Sc. 
Doctoral student
hector.moya (at) uni-siegen.de 
+49 271 740-5279 
Room: PB-B 009
SariogluDr. Savas Sarioglu, Ph.D 
Lecturer assistant Groundwater contamintation

Dmitrij Japs, M. Sc. 
Doctoral student


dmitrij.japs (at) uni-siegen.de 
+49 271 740-5279 
Room: PB-B 023/2
ward bahriWard Bahri, M. Sc. 
Doctoral student
ward.bahri (at) uni-siegen.de 
+49 271 740-5280 
Room: PB-B 023/3
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