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 Geomathematics Group

Hier geht's zur Rosenmontagsvorlesung 2025

The Geomathematics Group at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Siegen is concerned with the development and application of new mathematical techniques for problems in the geosciences - but not only there. Medical imaging is also an investigated field of application. Here are some of the current focusses of the research of the Geomaths Group:

  • Modelling of the Earth's interior based on gravitational and seismic data: this involves the use of spaceborne gravity models (based on satellite missions) and the use of earthquake travel-times as well as spectral anomalies of the free oscillations of the Earth after major earthquakes.
  • Sparsity methods / greedy algorithms for ill-posed problems: we have developed an algorithm, the Regularized Functional Matching Pursuit (RFMP), which iteratively combines heterogeneous trial functions for a locally adapted resolution of results of ill-posed (inverse) problems
  • Constructive approximation on the 3D-ball: improved numerical methods are developed in order to calculate functions on the 3D-ball in an efficient way, i.e. both the approximation error and the calculation time have to be kept acceptably small.
  • MEG/EEG: a joint research project with A.S. Fokas and O. Hauk (Cambridge) is concerned with the theory and numerics of the inverse problems with respect to magneto- and electroencephalography.



Click here for a larger image of the Geomathematics Group Siegen

We are grateful that our colleague Prof. Dr. Bernd Dreseler took the photo above and the first photo below.

Older images of the group:

AG-Foto_vom_27_Mai_2014_kleinclick here for a larger image

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click here for a larger image