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Publications of Uta Freiberg


1. U. Freiberg: Einige statistische Eigenschaften autoregressiver Schemata höherer Ordnung. Diplomarbeit, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 1997.
2. U. Freiberg: Maßgeometrische Laplaceoperatoren für fraktale Teilmengen der reellen Achse. Dissertation, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 2000

3. U. Freiberg, M. Zähle: Harmonic Calculus on Fractals - A measure geometric approach I. Potential Anal. 16 (2002), 265–277
AJSE 28, No. 1C (2003), 189–198
7. U. Freiberg, M. R. Lancia: Energy form on a closed fractal curve. ZAA/1713 23 (2004) 1, 115–137
8. U. Freiberg, J.-U. Löbus: On the zeros of eigenfunctions of the generator of a gap diffusion. in: S. Albeverio, Z.-M. Ma, M. Röckner (eds.) Recent Developments in Stochastic Analysis and related topics, Proceedings of the First Sino-German meeting on stochastic analysis - satellite conference of the ICM, Bejing, PR China, 2002, World Scientific (2004), 182–198
10. U. Freiberg: Dirichlet forms on fractal subsets of the real line. Real Analysis Exchange 30 (2) (2004/2005), 589--604
11. U. Freiberg, M. R. Lancia: Energy forms on non self-similar fractals. in: C. Bandle, H. Berestycki (eds.) Elliptic and Parabolic Problems. A special Tribute to the Work of Haim Brezis. Series: Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Applications, Vol. 63, Birkhäuser, Basel (2005), 267–277
12. U. Freiberg: Analysis on Fractal Objects. Meccanica 40 (2005), 419-436
13. M. F. Barnsley, U. Freiberg: Fractal transformations of harmonic functions. Complexity and Nonlinear Dynamics, Edited by Axel Bender, Proc. SPIE Vol. 6417 (2007), pp. 64170C
14. U. Freiberg: On the interaction of geometry, analysis and stochastics on a set. PAMM Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 7 (2007), 1090301–1090302
15. U. Freiberg, M. R. Lancia: Energy forms on conformal C^1-diffeomorphic images of the Sierpinski gasket. Math. Nach. 281 (2008), 337–349
16. U. Freiberg: Prüfer angle methods in spectral analysis of Krein-Feller operators. RIMS Kokyuroku Bessatsu B6 (2008), 71–84
European Congress of Stereology and Image Analysis, (2008)
18. U. Freiberg, C. Thäle: A Markov chain algorithm in determining crossing times through nested graphs. Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science Proceedings (2008), 505–522
19. U. Freiberg: Some remarks on Hausdorff and spectral dimension of V –variable nested fractals. Barral, Julien (ed.) et al., Recent developments in fractals and related Fields. Boston,
MA: Birkhäuser. Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis, 267--282 (2010)
20. U. Freiberg, D. La Torre, and F. Mendivil: Iterated function systems and stability of variational problems with multifunctions. Nonlinear Anal., Real World Appl. 12, No. 2, 1123--1129 (2011)
21. U. Freiberg: A refinement of the spectral asymptotics of generalized measure geometric Laplacians on Cantor like sets. Forum Math. 23, No. 2 (2011), 427--445
22. U. Freiberg, C. Thäle: Exact Computation and Approximation of Stochastic and Analytic Parameters of Generalized Sierpinski Gaskets. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability (2011), 25 pages
23. U. Freiberg: Einstein Relation on fractal objects. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B, 17/2 (2012), 509--525
24. U. Freiberg, S. Kombrink: Minkowski Content and local Minkowski Content for a class of self-conformal sets. Geometriae Dedicata, 159/1 (2012), 307--325
25. M. F. Barnsley, U. Freiberg, and D. La Torre: Optimization on fractals objects and stability. Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, 13/4 (2012), 695--708
26. P. Alonso--Ruiz, U. Freiberg: Hanoi attractors and the Sierpinski gasket. Special issue of IJMMNO dedicated to Fractals, Fractal--based Methods and Applications, 3/4 (2012), 251--265

27. U. Freiberg, B. Hambly, J. Hutchinson: Spectral asymptotics for V--variable Sierpinski gaskets. preprint
28. P. Alonso-Ruiz, U. Freiberg: From Hanoi--graphs to Sierpinski gasket -- geometrical convergence. preprint
29. U. Freiberg, M. R. Lancia: Transmission problem on a closed fractal curve. preprint
30. U. Freiberg, C. Thäle: Crossing times through self similar graphs obtained from regular n--gons. preprint

31. U. Freiberg, C. Thäle: Crossing times through nested fractal graphs with anisotropic weights.
in preparation
32. U. Freiberg: Random self similar and self conformal sets in quasimetric spaces. in preparation
33. P. Arzt, U. Freiberg: Spectral exponents of gap diffusions on random Cantor sets. in preparation
34. P. Alonso--Ruiz, U. Freiberg: Hanoi--graphs approaching Sierpinski gaskets -- analytical convergence. in preparation
35. B. Buchmann, U. Freiberg: Hausdorff dimension of blow-ups of small range sets of general Lévy processes. in preparation
36. U. Freiberg, C. Seifert: Dirichlet forms of singular diffusions in higher dimensions. in preparation


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