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Robin Mey

  • Universität Siegen
    Department Mathematik
    Lehrstuhl für Stochastik und Quantitative Methoden der Wirtschaftswissenschaften

    Walter-Flex-Str. 3
    57072 Siegen, Germany

    Room: ENC-B 218
  • Tel.: +49 (271) 740 3618
  • Mail: mey@mathematik.uni-siegen.de

  • Allgemeine Hochschulreife.
    Gymnasium der Stadt Lennestadt, 2016.
  • Bachelor's Degree Program in Mathematics.
    University of Siegen (Germany), 2016 - 2020.
    Thesis: Markov-Ketten, Lyapunov-Funktionen und Martingale (Markov Chains, Lyapunov Functions and Martingales).
    Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Alfred Müller.
  • Master's Degree Program in Mathematics.
    University of Siegen (Germany), 2020 - 2022.
    Thesis: A Stochastic Model for Wind Data Based on Non-Stationary Time Series Analysis.
    Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Alfred Müller.

  • Research Assistant.
    University of Siegen (Germany), since November 2022.

Main Research Interests
  • time series models for wind data based on copulas

  • Summer 2024: Computational Statistics.
    Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Alfred Müller & Prof. Dr. Edgar Kaufmann.
  • Winter 2023/2024: Financial Engineering/Stochastik III.
    Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Alfred Müller.
  • Winter 2023/2024: Stochastik I.
    Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Scheffler.
  • Summer 2023: Stochastisch Dynamische Optimierung.
    Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Alfred Müller.
  • Winter 2022/2023: Financial Engineering/Stochastik III.
    Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Alfred Müller.
  • Summer 2022: Analysis II.
    Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Rob van Stee.
  • Summer 2022: Mathematik für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler.
    Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Alfred Müller.
  • Winter 2021/2022: Analysis I.
    Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Rob van Stee.
  • Summer 2020: Induktive Statistik.
    Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Edgar Kaufmann.
  • Winter 2019/2020: Mathematik für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler.
    Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Edgar Kaufmann.
  • Summer 2019: Induktive Statistik.
    Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Edgar Kaufmann.
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