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der Universität Siegen
Adresse: Adolf-Reichwein-Str.2
57076 Siegen
Raum: AR-M 017
Fon: 0271 740 - 2702

offene Sprechzeit:

mittwochs 11-13 Uhr


Flyer des Familienservicebüros

Family-oriented campus

Family-friendliness starts with the infrastructure. That is why there are various options for staying with a child at the University of Siegen.
We want you to feel comfortable. Do you have any comments, wishes or ideas? Is anything missing or even damaged? We are looking forward to your feedback. To do so, please contact Parent and Family Services.

Family rooms

These rooms provide you with the facilities to breastfeed, feed or change your child. Pregnant women have the opportunity to rest. Your children will find play and sleeping facilities there. At the AR-Campus and in the Herrengarten building there are 
a children's room with a workstation for a longer stay at your disposal

Overview of the family rooms


The municipal playground at the corner of Albrecht-Dürer-Straße and Max-Liebermann-Weg can be used by students and employees.

Family parking

Four family parking spaces are available on the Adolf-Reichwein Campus to help students balance their studies and family life. These parking spaces are reserved for students. Prior registration is required. You can use the contact form to submit a request to use a parking space for a specific period in a semester. Parent and Family Services will then contact you.

Apply for parking space

Give-Box for families

Families can find and take useful items in the Give Box, as well as drop off items they no longer need.
The Give Box for Families is located in the Children's Room (AR-M 018) of the AR Building.
The concept is quite simple: children's clothing and toys in good condition can be put in and taken out. However, anyone wishing to donate larger quantities should contact Parent and Family Services in advance.  

Site plan 

On our family site plan you will find all infrastructural, family-friendly offers of the University of Siegen. This map is currently still under construction, as the renovation and relocation work has not yet been completed. Many thanks for your understanding.

FamilyYear Calendar

The FamilyYEAR calendar contains, among other things, valuable information about lecture and lecture-free times, vacations, holidays, vacation care times, closing times of childcare facilities, as well as the location of family rooms and important contact information. In hard copy, the Family YEAR calendar is available to take home at various locations, such as Parent and Family Services. 
The online version of the FamilyYEAR calendar is regularly updated. That means you can also find our current events, workshops and promotions here.

Hinweise zum Einsatz der Google Suche
der Universität Siegen
Adresse: Adolf-Reichwein-Str.2
57076 Siegen
Raum: AR-M 017
Fon: 0271 740 - 2702

offene Sprechzeit:

mittwochs 11-13 Uhr


Flyer des Familienservicebüros