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We advise existing research alliances as well as individuals at the University of Siegen on ways to implement equal opportunity measures within their projects (for example, all coordinated programs of the DFG, EU- and BMBF-funded alliances).
  • Advice on the topic of equal opportunities at all stages of the application process
  • Advice on equal opportunity measures, measures in the area of achieving a work-life balance (family and career / care and career) in research alliances
  • Advice for scientists
  • Coordination with the DFG on gender equality issues
  • Coordination with other service institutions of the University of Siegen
  • Advice on the conception, organization and implementation of workshops and seminars in the area of gender equality and achieving a work-life balance (also in cooperation).
The Equal Opportunity Office of the University of Siegen is a member of the network GenderConsulting in Research Associations.
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