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House of Young Talents
Maria Klimach
H-C 6307
+49 271
Mo. - Fr.: vormittags
House of Young Talents
Postgraduate Centre of the University of Siegen
- Postal Address:
Hölderlinstraße 3
D-57076 Siegen - Offices:
Campus Hölderlinstraße (H), building C, level 6
How to find us - Secretariat:
Maria Klimach (H-C 6307, +49 271 740-3508, Mon. to Fri., before noon)
You can direct all inquiries directly to our secretariat or use one of the e-mail addresses below -
E-Mail Addresses:
- General enquiries: info-hyt@uni-siegen.de
- Enquiries about the scholarship programme HYT Young Academy: stipendien-hyt@uni-siegen.de
- Enquiries about and applications for the HYT certificate programme: zertifikat-hyt@uni-siegen.de
- Enquiries about coaching: coaching-hyt@uni-siegen.de
- Enquiries about as well as suggestions and ideas for future courses and events: programmkoordination-hyt@uni-siegen.de
Dr. Daniel Müller
daniel.mueller@uni-siegen.de H-C 6309 +49 271 740-5079 Head of the House of Young Talents
- Operative project management of the Tenure Track Programme ("Bund-Länder-Programm zur Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses" BLP-WISNA) at the University of Siegen
- Project management of the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers HRS4R (HR Excellence in Research Award, Renewal Phase) at the University of Siegen
- Contact person for joint projects (application support, individual workshops)
- Counselling of postdocs and junior professors from all faculties
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Short CV:
- Head of the HYT, Postgraduate Centre of the University of Siegen (from 1/2016)
- Head of the Joint PhD Programme of TU Dortmund University (2009 to 2015)
- Research Assistant at the Institute for Journalism at the University (from 11/2007 TU) of Dortmund in the DFG-funded project "Media integration of ethnic minorities" (2002 bis 2009) in the Collaborative Research Centre (SFB/FK) 615 "Media Upheavals" (Siegen), elected spokesperson of junior researchers in SFB (2007 to 2009)
- PhD in the History of Eastern Europe (2005)
- M. A. in History (1999)
- Research and Teaching Assistant at the chair for Eastern European History at Ruhr University Bochum (1998 to 2002)
- Research and Teaching Assistant at the Institute for Journalism at the University of Dortmund (1996 to 1998)
- Martin Schmeißer Award and medal (1997)
- Diploma in Journalism (1995)
- Research stays in Russia (1993, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005), Georgia (2013, 2015), and Armenia (1994)
Publications (selection):
- (ed. with Mark Junge and Bernd Bonvech): Gruziia v puti. Teni stalinizma. Moskva: AIRO-XXI, 2017.
- Journalistische Stilistik. Berlin: Deutsches Journalisten Kolleg, 2012. (Arbeitstechniken; A040).
- (with Martin Gehr, Josef Kurz, Joachim Pötschke, Horst Pöttker): Stilistik für Journalisten. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2nd ed. 2010.
- (ed. with Tobias Eberwein): Journalismus und Öffentlichkeit. Eine Profession und ihr gesellschaftlicher Auftrag. Festschrift für Horst Pöttker. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2010.
- (ed. with Annemone Ligensa and Peter Gendolla): Leitmedien. Konzepte – Relevanz – Geschichte. 2 Bde. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag , 2009 (= Medienumbrüche; 31/32).
- Sowjetische Nationalitätenpolitik in Transkaukasien 1920-1953. Berlin: Verlag Dr. Köster, 2008 (= Wissenschaftliche Schriftenreihe Geschichte; 13).
- Manfred Georg und die "Jüdische Revue". Eine Exilzeitschrift in der Tschechoslowakei 1936-1938. Konstanz: UVK Medien, 2000 (= Journalismus und Geschichte; 1).
Linda Hilkenbach
linda.hilkenbach@uni-siegen.de H-C 6306 +49 271 740-5505 Academic Consultant
- Contact person for the HYT workshop programme; coordination of the programme
- Contact person for the HYT certificate programme; coordination of the programme
- Strategic development of the HYT qualification programme for junior researchers
- Coordination with Faculty I (Arts and Humanities) and counselling of prospective and current doctoral researchers from this faculty
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Short CV:
- Academic Consultant at the House of Young Talents (since 2019)
- Research assistant/lecturer at the Departement of English Studies, Chair of English Linguistics (Prof. Dr. Gero Kunter), at the University of Siegen (2015-2023)
- Research in the field of morphology and psycholinguistics (dissertation topic: "Affix Combinations in English and German - Structural and Processing Factors", dissertation not yet completed, doctorate temporarily supported by a doctoral scholarship from the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes)
- Research assistant/lecturer at the Institute of English Linguistics at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, temporarily within the framework of the DFG project "Spoken English Morphology" (2013-2015); parental leave in 2015
- Successful completion of the certificate programme "Professional Teaching Competence for the University" of the Hochschuldidaktik NRW Network (2013)
- Different occupations in research and teaching at the Chair of English Linguistics and temporarily also at the Chair of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) at the University of Siegen (2006-2013); parental leave in 2011
- German and English Studies at the University of Siegen (First State Examination for teachers in secondary education, 2006), including a year abroad as a teaching assistant in England
Sandra-Janina Jugl
sandra-janina.jugl@uni-siegen.de H-C 6308 +49 271 740-4588 Academic Consultant
- Contact person for the scholarship programme HYT Young Academy
- Coordination with Faculties II (Education, Architecture and Arts) and V (Faculty of Life Sciences), counselling of prospective and current doctoral researchers from both faculties
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Short CV:
- Academic Consultant at the House of Young Talents (since 2024) and Study Coordinator of the psychology degree programmes, Faculty V at the University of Siegen (since 2021)
- Research in the field of professionalism and prosumers in psychotherapy (topic of the dissertation: "Mental illnesses in helping professions: Research on prevalence, self-assessment and concerns about specialised care systems.", dissertation not yet completed; since 2023)
- Postgraduate qualification as a child and youth psychotherapist in behavioural therapy at "Institut für Verhaltenstherapie und -medizin Marburg (IVV Marburg)" (since 2019)
- Lecturer at the chair od Developmental Science and Special Education (Inclusion), Faculty II at the University of Siegen (2022-2024)
- Master's degree in Education and Social Work (2019) at the University of Siegen (temporarily supported by a master's scholarship from the HYT Young Academy)
- Social Worker in the youth career assistance (2017–2020); from 2019 pedagogical head of a programme
- Bachelor's degree in Social Work at the University of Siegen (2017)
Dr. Christine Gebhard
christine.gebhard@uni-siegen.de H-C 6306 +49 271 740-2555 Academic Consultant
- Contact person for the HYT coaching
- Contact person for the HYT workshop programme
- Contact person for the HYT certificate programme
- Coordination with Faculty III (Economics, Business Informatics and Business Law) and counselling of prospective and current doctoral researchers from this faculty
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Short CV:
- Academic consultant at the House of Young Talents (since 2022) and research associate (PostDoc) in German Studies, Professorship for Applied Linguistics (Prof. Dr. Stephan Habscheid), at the University of Siegen (since 2013)
- Doctorate in Applied Linguistics (German Studies) at the University of Siegen with a dissertation on the topic „Evaluative interactions in the theater intermission. A Conversation Analytical Study of Intermission Conversations in the Theater Foyer“ (published at de Gruyter, Empirical Linguistics 11)
- Successful completion of the certificate programme “Intercultural Coaching”, offered by consilia cct (2015)
- Successful completion of the certificate programme "Professional Teaching Competence for the University" of the Hochschuldidaktik NRW Network (2015)
- Occupations abroad as a language assistant in the USA (2012/2013) and in China (2011)
- Bachelor's degree in "Language and Communication" at the University of Siegen (2008) and Master's degree in "Applied Linguistics" (2011) at the University of Münster
Publications (selection):
- Editorship:
- Knipp, Raphaela/Habscheid, Stephan/Hrncal, Christine (Hg.) (2017): Konstruktionen des Publikums. (Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik (LiLi) Heft 186).
- Habscheid, Stephan/Hrncal, Christine/Knipp, Raphaela/Linz, Erika (Hg.) (2016): Alltagspraktiken des Publikums. Theater, Literatur, Kunst, Populärkultur. (Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik (LiLi) Heft 182).
- Monography:
- Hrncal, Christine (2020): Bewertungsinteraktionen in der Theaterpause. Eine gesprächsanalytische Untersuchung von Pausengesprächen im Theaterfoyer. Berlin: de Gruyter. (Empirische Linguistik 11).
- Articles:
- Habscheid, Stephan/Hector, Tim Moritz/Hrncal, Christine/Waldecker, David (2021): Intelligente Persönliche Assistenten (IPA) mit Voice User Interfaces als 'Beteiligte' in häuslicher Alltagsinteraktion. Welchen Aufschluss geben die Protokolldaten der Assistenzsysteme? In: Journal für Medienlinguistik (jfml).
- Habscheid, Stephan/Hrncal, Christine/Lüssem, Jens/Carros, Felix (2020): Professionelle Emotionalität und humanoide Robotik in der institutionellen Kommunikation. In: Gruber, Helmut/Spitzmüller, Jürgen/de Cillia, Rudolf (Hg.): Institutionelle und organisationale Kommunikation. Theorie, Methodologie, Empirie und Kritik. Wien: V&R Unipress.
- Hrncal, Christine (2018): Bewertungsinteraktionen. In: Gerwinski, Jan/Habscheid, Stephan/Linz, Erika (Hg.): Theater im Gespräch. Sprachliche Publikumspraktiken in der Theaterpause. Berlin: de Gruyter, S. 235-300.
- Hrncal, Christine/Linz, Erika/Schlinkmann, Eva (2016): Foyergespräche im Theater. Interaktionale Aneignungspraktiken des Publikums. In: Habscheid, Stephan/Hrncal, Christine/Knipp, Raphaela/Linz, Erika (Hg.): Alltagspraktiken des Publikums. Theater, Literatur, Kunst, Populärkultur. (Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik (LiLi) Heft 182), S. 523-546.
- Hrncal, Christine/Gerwinski, Jan (2015): Bewertungstransformationen in der Anschlusskommunikation im Theater. In: Habscheid et al. (Hg.): Bewerten im Wandel. (Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik (LiLi) Heft 177). Stuttgart: Weimar, S. 46-65.
Julian Weiß
julian.weiss@uni-siegen.de H-C 6308 +49 271 740-4779 Academic Consultant
- Contact person for the scholarship programme HYT Young Academy
- Coordination with Faculty IV (School of Science and Technology) and counselling of prospective and current doctoral researchers from this faculty
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Short CV:
- Academic Consultant at the House of Young Talents (since 2024)
- Research assistant at the Department of Chemistry and Biology (doctoral researcher), Professorship for Inorganic Chemistry (Prof. Dr. Claudia Wickleder) at the University of Siegen (2017-2024)
- Research on inorganic luminescent materials (topic of the dissertation: "Luminescence properties of divalent lanthanides in fluoride and chloride compounds", dissertation not yet completed, doctorate temporarily supported by a doctoral scholarship from the HYT Young Academy
- Bachelor’s degree in "Chemie" (2015) as well as Master’s degree in "Chemistry" (2017) at the University of Siegen
Maria Klimach
maria.klimach@uni-siegen.de H-C 6307 +49 271 740-3508 Secretariat
Jonas Fischbach
shk-hyt@uni-siegen.de H-C 6311 +49 271 740-5598 Student Assistant
Laura Hesse
shk-hyt@uni-siegen.de H-C 6311 +49 271 740-5598 Student Assistant