Terminvereinbarung per
E-Mail an
House of Young Talents
Maria Klimach
H-C 6307
+49 271
Mo. - Fr.: vormittags
If you are interested in a coaching, please send an email to coaching-hyt@uni-siegen.de including a short, informal letter (in PDF format) in which you present your current professional situation and your academic career as well as outline your coaching concerns.
Following your informal application, a short interview will take place. We will then support you in selecting a suitable coach.
Appointments for coachings are made individually between coach and coachee.
The coaching sessions can take place – depending on the agreement – in presence or online.
The HYT covers a part of the costs of three coaching sessions, the coachee contributes a maximum of 125 EUR to the costs.
Travel expenses that may arise in connection with the coaching cannot be covered by the HYT.
If you have any questions about the regulations of the coaching programme, please send us an e-mail to coaching-hyt@uni-siegen.de.