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House of Young Talents
Maria Klimach
H-C 6307
+49 271
Mo. - Fr.: vormittags
Funding for Postdocs and Junior Professors

Once they have completed their doctorate, junior researchers are eligible to apply for almost all third-party funding sources. Many third-party funders also have special funding programmes for junior researchers, which may even make it easier for them to submit applications. For example, junior researchers often have to provide less documentation of their own research than more experienced researchers.
As a first point of contact, the HYT offers information on support and funding opportunities from the University of Siegen and various third-party funding sources especially for postdocs and junior professors. In addition, the HYT regularly offers practical workshops on applying for funding, e.g. from the DFG or the EU (Horizon 2020), as part of its workshop programme. The HYT team is always open to suggestions for future workshops on these topics. Feel free to send an e-mail to programmkoordination-hyt@uni-siegen.de.
Further advice on specific funding programmes and support in the application process is available through the Research Support Office.
Funding Programmes of the University of Siegen
The University of Siegen offers funding for experienced researchers to undertake their own project ideas within the framework of the research and training programme STAR (financed through the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions of the European Union). STAR supports the training, mobility and career development of researchers. Interested candidates can choose between two different mobility options and apply with their own innovative research project. Three calls for project proposals were published in 2020, 2021 and 2022. Further information can be found on the STAR website, as well as in the information sheet. If you have any questions, please contact the STAR project manager Dr. Lena Butz, star@uni-siegen.de, Tel.: +49 271 740-4862.
Transitional Funding for Female Doctoral and Habilitation Candidates
The University of Siegen can grant transitional funding to female doctoral and habilitation candidates for the completion of a doctoral or habilitation project if it can be proven that all other funding options have been exhausted and the completion of the project is realistic within the given time. For more information on the application and procedure, please contact the Equal Opportunities Office at the University of Siegen.
Funding Search Services
There are a number of free search services and funding databases that allow you to conduct a specialised search for further funding opportunities for postdocs and junior professors, such as: