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House of Young Talents
Maria Klimach
H-C 6307
+49 271 740-3508

Mo. - Fr.: vormittags

Awards for Junior Academics

Every year, a number of prizes are awarded to junior researchers at the University of Siegen for outstanding scientific achievements, sometimes in cooperation with the region. The exact criteria can be found in the respective guidelines, the table below serves only as an overview.

Please direct alle enquiries to Ms Kathrin L. Wagner

E-Mail: wagner@rektorat.uni-siegen.de
Phone: +49 271 740-4813
Personal Consultant for Students and Junior Faculty of the Prorectorate for Students and Junior Faculty, Diversity, and International Affairs

Call for nominations:

Information on the next call for applications will be published here in due time.

Award of the District of Altenkirchen

Prerequisites Focus of support Endowment and guidelines
  • graduation from a school in the district of Altenkirchen
  • practical benefit for the economy
  • cooperation with companies located in the district of Altenkirchen
  • business- or economy-related structural investigation of issues concerning the district of Altenkirchen
Doctoral, diploma, master‘s, bachelor‘s thesis 2000 EUR. In case of splitting: 2 x 1500 EUR

Guidelines (in German only)

Award of the District of Olpe

Prerequisites Focus of support Endowment and guidelines
  • graduation from a school in the district of Olpe
  • practical benefit for the development of the district, especially in business, education or services of general interest
  • cooperation with companies located in the district of Olpe
  • business- or economy-related structural investigation of issues concerning the district of Olpe
Doctoral, diploma, master‘s, bachelor‘s thesis 2000 EUR. In case of splitting: 2 x 1000 EUR

Guidelines (in German only)

Award of the District of Siegen-Wittgenstein

Prerequisites Focus of support Endowment and guidelines
  • graduation from a school in the district of Siegen-Wittgenstein or research with reference to the region of Siegen-Wittgenstein
  • humanities, social sciences, economics or arts as subject area or links to the areas of education, health, care, climate protection or mobility
  • At least "magna cum laude" or "sehr gut"
  • practical applicability of the research
Doctoral, diploma, master‘s, bachelor‘s thesis 2000 EUR. In case of splitting: 2 x 1000 EUR

Guidelines (in German only)

Award of the Industrie- und Handelskammer (IHK) Siegen

Prerequisites Focus of support Endowment and guidelines
  • particularly outstanding final theses
  • engineering, natural science or economics as subject area
  • practical applicability of the research
  • example of practice-oriented research and technology transfer from university to industry
Doctoral, diploma, master‘s, bachelor‘s thesis 4000 EUR.
The award will be split between two theses.

Guidelines (in German only)

Historian Award of the Dirlmeier Foundation

Prerequisites Focus of support Endowment and guidelines
  • particularly qualified thesis that opens up a historical perspective in terms of content and methodology
esp. dissertations and habilitation theses 1000 EUR; possibility for separate application for printing subsidies

Guidelines (in German only)

Award of the Dirlmeier Foundation

Prerequisites Focus of support Endowment and guidelines
  • particularly qualified thesis
esp. dissertations and habilitation theses 1000 EUR

Guidelines (in German only)

Award of the University of Siegen for International Junior Researchers

Prerequisites Focus of support Endowment and guidelines
  • particularly high quality of examination performance
  • Foreign citizenschip
Dissertations 1000 EUR

Guidelines (in German only)

Further awards

If you have any questions about the following awards, please get in touch with the contact persons listed::

International Awards

Information on further international awards can be found here.
Contact: Prorectorate for Students and Junior Faculty, Diversity, and International Affairs (prorektorat-ndi@uni-siegen.de)


The Center for Gender Studies Siegen (Gestu_S) awards the Wolfgang Popp award for gender studies to outstanding final theses (master's theses, diploma theses) that deal with topics of gender studies
Contact: Dr. Uta Fenske (uta.fenske@uni-siegen.de)

34th IHK award for excellent theses

Awards for junior researchers

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House of Young Talents
Maria Klimach
H-C 6307
+49 271 740-3508

Mo. - Fr.: vormittags