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What does MUN/NMUN mean?


The acronym MUN stands for Model United Nations, which is a simulation of the United Nations and their various bodies. During this occasion, participants work as UN-diplomats and other international representatives. They take over the role of the members of different UN-bodies to negotiate and discuss international politics on an authentic level. There are specific rules and regulations which have to be treated with respect to make the simulation a success.

The participants have to prepare and inform themselves thoroughly about the country they have to represent to convey their position as authentic as possible to the specific topics. Furthermore there are the so-called “Rules of Procedure” which have to be observed throughout debates and the procedure of drafting resolutions. The participants gain a very close and practical approach about international politics and the functioning of the United Nations. MUNs are present ever since the United Nations was founded. Today various MUNs can be found throughout the whole world. In Germany alone numerous UN-simulations are offered for pupils and students.

For further information about German MUNs please visit: http://www.model-un.de/.

Every spring the oldest, largest and most renowned simulation takes place, the National Model United Nations ( NMUN ). Since 1946 the NMUN is hosted by New York City, USA.

In the year 2009 the Siegen delegation represents the country Malaysia. Due to major interest two UN simulations take place at the same time. The Collegiate Conference Association ( NCCA ) organizes NMUN and offers students, throughout the whole world, the opportunity the play the role of an UN-diplomat in a setting like the UN headquarters. In the meantime over 3.000 students participate in New York annually.