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Madeleine Höfer

Walk-In Office Hours:
Tue & Wed 9 - 11

Check Cancelled Office Hours

Contact by email
F-S 408 (Sandstr. 16-18)


The programme is open to all researchers at the University of Siegen for guest lectureships abroad, provided that:

  • the employment has lasted for at least half a year on a part-time or full-time basis,
  • the employment continues for at least 4 months after the planned stay,
  • the selection of the stay was agreed in advance within the chair.

Grant rate

The grant rates are listed on this page.


The application is completed online via the MoveON Portal and includes the below mentioned supporting documents. 

Please note that applications can only be processed if they are received in time 4 weeks before the planned departure.

Application Documents

1) Curriculum

- Contents of the teaching programme
- Learning outcomes/competences
- Learning activities and teaching methods
- Planned period of mobility

2) Short curriculum vitae

3) Written consent of the supervisor

Selection Procedure

Selection criteria includes the teaching plan and relevant language skills (B1 or higher). First-time applications are given priority. 

The Selection Committee (HR & IO) meets within two weeks after the application deadline. Acceptances/rejections are sent out within two weeks after the selection.


Grant Relevant Documents

First and second instalment of the grant require the timely submission of the below mentioned grant related documents before and after the stay abroad. 

Before the Stay

1) Business travel authorisation

- Researchers complete the Business travel authorisation and have it signed by their supervisor.
- The signed original document is sent to the International Office by in-house post.

2) Mobility Agreement

By signing the Mobility Agreement for Teaching, researchers confirm that they will complete the described training programme at the host institution.

With his/her signature, the supervisor confirms his/her agreement. With their signature, the host institution confirms that they will carry out the described training programme with the researcher.

The signed document is sent to the International Office by e-mail or by in-house post.

3) Grant Agreement

Researchers receive the Grant Agreement by e-mail and print it out. They check their personal data and carefully take note of the agreed conditions.

The signed original document is sent to the International Office by in-house post.

After the Stay

1) Travel expense claim

Researchers complete the Travel expense claim and sign their details. No receipts need to be attached for stays under the Erasmus+ programme.

The signed original document is sent to the International Office together with the original business travel authorisation.

2) Testimonial

The researchers write a report on their experiences, possibly with photos and anonymously if they wish. The testimonials are made available on the website to interested researchers.

3) Participant Report (EU)

All researchers receive the link by email. The questionnaire is filled out carefully and responsibly.



The duration of the stay is between 2 and 60 days. The grant is calculated on base rates per day.

The grant is disbursed in two instalments:
- The 1st instalment (70%) is disbursed before the start of the stay.
- The 2nd instalment (30%) is disbursed after the end of the stay.

Reimbursement Cases

If the required documents are not submitted or not submitted on time as agreed in the Grant Agreement, the grant must be reimbursed.

If the stay does not begin as agreed in the Grant Agreement or is terminated prematurely, the grant must be reimbursed.

Reimbursement Procedure 

The Department International Student Affairs will send out a notice giving four weeks to reimburse the amount.

If no reimbursement is made, the file is passed on to Division 3: Legal and Academic Affairs, whichwill take appropiate legal action.

Please note that so-called non-cash benefits (“geldwerter Vorteil”) must be taxed individually. Should you have lower expenses within the scope of your staff mobility than the lump sums provide for, you may have to pay taxes on the difference individually.
Hinweise zum Einsatz der Google Suche

Madeleine Höfer

Walk-In Office Hours:
Tue & Wed 9 - 11

Check Cancelled Office Hours

Contact by email
F-S 408 (Sandstr. 16-18)