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Practical Information

  • Checklist for a stay abroad
    The DAAD checklist explains which questions you need to consider when planning a stay abroad and which addresses can help you with your questions.
  • Country-specific information from the DAAD
    The information offered ranges from information on types of higher education institutions, study programmes and study organisation to visas, finding accommodation and living costs.
  • Correspondents "Studieren weltweit"
    Students who are currently studying abroad report on their experiences and adventures. They not only share their adventures, but also information on planning and financing a stay abroad.

Funding Opportunities at the University of Siegen

With the help of the Erasmus+ programme, you can study for one or two semesters at our partner universities in Europe or complete an internship in a company in another European country.

The programme to increase student mobility offers scholarships for shorter stays abroad (up to six months). Currently only students of the University of Siegen who participate in the Global Exchange Programme are eligible to apply for funding.

Erasmus+ International
Grants from the International Dimension of the Erasmus+ programme are awarded for studies in certain subject areas at selected partner universities worldwide.

General Funding Opportunities

Federal student grants can provide financial support for your stay abroad, even if you are not eligible for any in Germany. Special municipal offices are responsible for the Auslands-BAföG.

Interest-free Daka loan from the Studierendenwerke
The Daka loan is intended to give students the economic basis to devote themselves to their studies free of the burdens of jobs to secure their livelihood and to complete their studies successfully.

DAAD Scholarship Database
The scholarship database for students and graduates provides information on all DAAD funding opportunities and gives advice on scholarship benefits, application requirements and much more.

Scholarship Guide
The scholarship database of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is the central contact point for nationwide and international scholarships in the private and public sector.

Education Loan
The Federal Government's education loan programme offers students a low-interest and individually adjustable loan. The education loan can even be taken out alongside BAföG.

Student loan
Many credit institutions offer favourable student loans to finance studies and the corresponding living expenses.

Funding Opportunities for Specific Countries

The German National Academic Foundation and the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation award scholarships for a one-year language and study visit to the People's Republic of China starting in September. The scholarship program provides an opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge of the Chinese language and society as well as university and academic life during a one-year stay abroad. The scholarships are open to students of all subjects (excl. art, design, music and film). Knowledge of Chinese is not required.

For stays at a university in Japan, students can receive a scholarship from the Japan Student Services Organisation (JASSO). More information on the programme is available from the Japanese universities.

Students can receive a scholarship from the Mexican government for stays at a university in Mexico. The grant applies to study visits in the period from March to December.

Eastern Europe
For stays in Eastern Europe, students can receive funding from the scholarship programme "Metropolises in Eastern Europe". The funding applies to study visits of at least 7 months' duration with an intensive language course in the destination country.

Funding Opportunities for Academic Stays the USA

Fulbright Commission
The Fulbright Commission awards scholarships to students and doctoral candidates for study or research stays or advertised Fulbright summer study programmes as well as travel grants. The Fulbright Commission's liaison lecturer at the University of Siegen is Professor Dr. Daniel Stein.

Fulbright Commission Travel Grants
For the American academic year 2021/2022, the Fulbright Commission invites applications for travel scholarships to study in the USA. The funding is aimed at German students at universities and universities of applied sciences who arrange and (partially) finance their study visit to the USA through a German-American university partnership programme.

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