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Psychotherapeutische Hochschulambulanz

Fürst-Johann-Moritz-Straße 8-10
57072 Siegen

Tel.:    +49 (0)271/740-5550

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/ pha / kosten /



The Psychotherapeutic Ambulance of the University of Siegen is authorized to invoice the services rendered with the statutory health insurance companies and other cost bearers. However, there are differences according to the type of insurance: whether you are insured by public or private health insurance. As a rule, the scope and benefits are significantly higher for persons with statutory health insurance than for persons with private insurance.

Statutory health insurance

Psychotherapy is a service of the statutory health insurance. The costs for psychotherapeutic consultation hours and trial sessions are always covered by your statutory health insurance. The costs of psychotherapy following the trial sessions are only covered by the statutory health insurance companies after the application has been submitted and the therapy granted by the insurance.

You do not need a referral. You can come directly with your health insurance card to the psychotherapeutic consultation hours.

The statutory health insurance covers all costs of consultation hours, trial sessions and psychotherapy (provided that the application is approved). In case of successful application costs are fully covered by the insurance. An exception occurs in cases where you do not keep your scheduled appointment. In these cases, a cancellation fee must be paid by the patient. Also not paid by the insurances are certain extra services, e.g. elaborate reports, certain certificates. In any case, costs would occur, you will be informed about these possible costs in advance. Costs are based on the scale of fees for doctors and psychotherapists* (GOÄ/GOP). In agreement with the consumer advice center, the Psychotherapeutic Ambulance of the University of Siegen considers direct payer services ("IGeL services") in the context of psychotherapy to be unnecessary. Therefore, we will generally not offer IGeL services unless explicitly requested.

Privatly insured / Subsidised / Direct payer

The terms for private health insurances are not uniformly regulated. If you are privately insured, you will have to check your contract carefully. Some private health insurances limit the costs for mental illness treatments to certain amounts, or limit the number of psychotherapy sessions payed for.

For subsidy recipients (Beihilfeempfänger), usually civil servants, the costs for psychotherapy is partly covered by the government. In general, insured persons have to submit an application in advance of treatment. We recommend that you ask your private health insurance company and the office in charge of subsidy (Beihilfestelle) about the extent to which treatment costs are covered by these services, and which documents you will need to bring in order to apply for psychotherapy. Please, bring these documents with you, as soon as possible (i.e. to your first or second appointment).

Direct-payers and privately insured patients will be issued invoices via a private medical mediation office (privatärztliche Vermittlungsstelle). Invoices can then be sent to your private health insurance and / or to the office in charge of subsidy for reimbursement. Notwithstanding the reimbursement by a third party (e.g. private health insurance or Beihilfestelle), you as the invoice recipient are responsible for timly payment. These private services are invoiced on the basis of the scale of charges for psychotherapists (GOP).

Hinweise zum Einsatz der Google Suche

Psychotherapeutische Hochschulambulanz

Fürst-Johann-Moritz-Straße 8-10
57072 Siegen

Tel.:    +49 (0)271/740-5550

Die telefonischen Sprechzeiten finden Sie hier.

Außerhalb der telefonischen Sprechstundenzeiten ist eine Terminvereinbarung nur über das Kontaktformular möglich.