The Department Student Admission, Registration and Training in German Language (STARTING) welcomes international students in the International Registrar's Office, prepares students in German Language Courses at different levels to take the DSH and thus offers the linguistic prerequisite for study courses in German at the University of Siegen.

International Office
The division International Office is responsible for German and international students, PhD students, and researchers, as well as employees in IT and administration, and offers support with regard to studying abroad, working and doing research in Siegen, international mobility and international partnerships around the globe.

Students and Junior Faculty, Diversity, and International Affairs
The Prorectorate is responsible for Students and Junior Faculty, Diversity, and International Affairs. It is supported by the Vice Deans responsible for research, studies, teaching and international affairs in the faculties as well as the Student Services and International Office, the House of Young Talents, the Press, Communication and Marketing Office, the Family Services Office, the Equal Opportunities Office and the Inclusive University of Siegen Service Office.