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Die Partnerschaft umfasst vier Hochschuleinrichtungen (HEI), eine europäische Vereinigung für den Übergang von der Bildung zur Arbeit und 15 assoziierte Partner. Die assoziierten Partner sind Endnutzer und die Hauptakteure, die von den Ergebnissen des INSIGN-Projekts profitieren.

Universität Siegen - Deutschland

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h. c. Hubert Roth

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Michael Gerke

M.Sc. Omar Gamal

Birgit Hoffmann

Universität Siegen 2


Polytechnic Institute of Porto – Portugal

Prof. Nuno Escudeiro

Prof. Paula Escudeiro 


P.Porto 2 


University of Maribor - Slovenia

Prof. Dr. Tatjana Welzer Druzovec

Asst. Prof. Marko Hölbl


Universität Maribor 2


Hellenic Mediterranean University - Greece

Prof. Giorgo Papadourakis

Dr. Maria Christofaki

Dr. Konstantinos Karampidis


Hellenic Mediterranean University 


European Association of Career Guidance - Cyprus 

Prof. Gregory Makrides

Roula Kyrillou-Ioannidou


European Association of Career Guidance new


Assoziierte Partner

  1. Associação Lousadense dos Deficientes, dos seus Amigos e Familiares , Lousada, Portugal
  2. Association for deaf people CANDIA, Heraklion, Creete, member of the Helenic Federation of the Deaf, Greece
  3. Dafne Liberidi , Speech Therapists, Heraklion, Greece
  4. Deaf and Hard of Hearing Clubs Association of Slovenia, Association, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  5. Education Centre Piramida Maribor, VET School, Secondary school and Higher Vocational College for Food and Nutrition, Maribor, Slovenia
  6. Escola Profissional Forave, Vila Nova de Famalicão, Portugal
  7. Escola Superior de Educação, Porto, Portugal
  8. National University of Laos, Faculty of Engineering, Department Vocational Teacher Training, Vientiane, Laos
  9. Slovenian Association of Disabled Students, NGO, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  10. Special Gymnasium of Heraklion, special needs secondary school, Heraklion Crete, Greece
  11. Zavod Združenje tolmačev za slovenski znakovni jezik, Prekmurska ulica 6, 1000 Ljubljana (the Association of Slovene Sign Language Interpreters – association), link www.tolmaci.si; contact person: Jasna Bauman, director.
  12. INNOTECS, The Netherlands
  13. Landstede, The Netherlands
  14. Agrupamento de Escolas (Alexandre Herculano) de Educação de Surdos do Norte – Portugal
  15. INES – Instituto Nacional de Educação de Surdos do Brasil