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Dipl.-Geoökol. Beate Böhme






E-Mail: beate.boehme@uni-siegen.de

Raum: H-F 001/002

Telefon: +49 (271) 7 40 33 94

Webseite: http://www.iwmnet.eu


2006  Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Research assistant at the Department of Geology, Chair of Hydrogeology
2006 - 2007
 Federal Institute of Hydrology, Koblenz, Research Assistant at the Department of Geoinformation and Remote Sensing
seit 2007
 Project assistant in EU-funded project: Capacity Building for Integrated Watershed Management in Eastern Africa (IWMNet)
 Forschung und Publikationen 
Böhme, B., Njoroge, L. Gathenya, M., Becker, M., Foerch, G., Langensiepen, M. 2010. Key determinants of soil water availability for agricultural production in two wetland types in East Africa. Abstract for the Tropentag, ETH Zuerich, Switzerland, 14.-16.09.2010.
Böhme, B., Becker, M., Foerch, G., 2009: Soil Water Availability for Agricultural Use in Small Wetlands in East Africa. Abstract for the Tropentag, Hamburg, Germany, 06.-08.10.2009.
Böhme, B., Steinbruch, F., Gloaguen, R., Heilmeier, H. & Merkel, B. 2006. Geomorphology, hydrology, and ecology of Lake Urema, central Mozambique, with focus on lake extent changes. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 31, 745-752.
Böhme, B., 2005. Geoecology of the Lake Urema, Central Mozambique. Freiberg Online Geosciences 14. www.geo.tufreiberg.de/fog/FOG_Vol_14.pdf
Böhme, B., Steinbruch, F., Gloaguen, R., Merkel, B. & Heilmeier, H. 2005. Geoecology of the Lake Urema / Central Mozambique, Pub. DGPF 14, 125-138.
Böhme, B., Steinbruch, F., Gloaguen, R., Heilmeier, H. & Merkel, B. 2005. The Gorongosa National Park Central Mozambique – Will the Lake Urema disappear? Abstract for the 6th WARFSA/WATERNET/GWPSA Symposium, Swaziland, 01.-03.11.2005.