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Aktivitäten von Professor Carolus


Report 2019 for the CICD
Author: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Carolus


Project name:

Green Institute for Renewable Energy

Partner name(s):

Dedan Kimathi University of Technology, Nyeri, Kenya

University of Siegen, Department Mechanical Engineering, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Carolus

Lead institution:

University of Siegen, 57068 Siegen, Germany


June 2017 - July 2020

Donor/source of funding:

European Union, ERASMUS KA 107


€ 92.000

Project description


The University of Siegen, Germany (USI) started first communications with Dedan Kimathi University of Technology, Nyeri, Kenya (DeKUT) in 2014. In 2016, within a DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) sponsored fact finding mission, Prof. Dr. Thomas Carolus (Department of Mechanical Engineering/USI) and Ms. Christine Mueller (International Office/USI) visited DeKUT. A mutual Memorandum of Understanding has been signed in 2016. DeKUT and USI share interest in various areas of science and technology. This project is focused on renewable energy.

Overall objectives

  • Generate skilled engineering graduates from DeKUT for leading positions in industry, public administration and academia with the highest level of expertise in (renewable) energy systems
  • Establish world-class research facilities and organize a structure for research in the field of renewable energy
  • Provide educational information to the Kenyan society and foster modern renewable energy technologies in Kenya

The project is subdivided into two very ambitious key actions:

Action I: Development of a UNIVERSITY CENTER OF EXCELLENCE IN RENEWABLE ENERGY (CERE) at DeKUT. A M.Sc. programme in energy systems with a number of in-depth electives such as wind turbine technology, geothermal power, solar power etc. is developed. Research areas linked to the future Renewable Research and Information Center (RERIC) are identified.

Action II: Development of DeKUT's own test site in Nairutia into a novel holistic RENEWABLE ENERGY RESEARCH AND INFORMATION CENTER (RERIC). A number of steps are currently in discussion:

  • Build an on-site small cabin for 4 permanent researchers (students and staff) and assess wind power potential with existing wind measurement station for one year
  • In cooperation with the adjacent school buy and erect a small wind turbine and develop an educational programme for high schools (compare the US high school program "Wind for Schools") 
  • Instrument small wind turbine and monitor and assess turbine performance by comparison from predictions from theoretical models 
  • Extend the cabin's utilities by thermosolar warm water heating and photovoltaic electric power supply; ultimately aim at complete autarky with respect to energy supply; develop the site into a renewable information and demonstration center for the public (compare e.g. the mission of the Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy in Denmark)
  • Erect the first large grid connected wind turbine on site and generate revenue
  • Feed all data from the large wind turbine into the on-site research center and continuously assess turbine performance vs. expectations, investigate maintenance issues, environmental impact such as noise, shadow flicker, acceptance by people and farmers etc.
  • Investigate possible interference effects of more than one wind turbines on site, determine optimal layout of the mini-wind park and eventually erect more large wind turbines on site. 
  • Arrive at the final stage of the renewable energy research and information center by adding a visitor center with multimedia information facilities, a continuous programme of training courses offered to the public, take away printed material, catering facilities etc.

Activities in 2017

In October Dr. Harrison Ngetha (Energy Engineering/DeKUT), Dr. Nancy Karuri (Chemical Engieneering/DeKUT) und Paul Mbote (International Office/DeKUT) visited USI. DeKUT and USI agreed on the procedure for future student and staff exchange within the ERASMUS scheme and on research activities. As a consequence, in Nov./Dec. 2017 Christine Mueller (International Student Affairs/USI) and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Carolus (Mechanical Engineering/USI) delivered a course on "Intercultural Communication" and "Wind Turbine Technology" at DeKUT. DeKUT students for the exchange to Siegen in 2017 had been interviewed and selected. Moreover, possible sources of future funding were discussed, among others the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), the European Union (2nd application for a ERASMUS KA 107 grant), Kenyan National Research Fund.

Activities in 2018

In summer two DeKUT Master students James Maina Muriithi and Alfred Giftmwachugha did their master thesis in Siegen in the group of Prof. Carolus. M.Sc. Kevin Volkmer, an USI research associate and PH.D. candidate in the same group spent four weeks at DEKUT for further wind turbine research. Again, in November Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Carolus (Mechanical Engineering/USI) delivered a course on "Wind Turbine Technology" at DeKUT. Dr. Harrison Ngetha (Energy Engineering/DeKUT) spent four weeks as visiting professor at USI. Once more, Paul Mbote (International Office/DeKUT) visited USI.

Moreover, the collaboration between DeKUT and USI was extended into Chemistry/Food Science. Responsible coordinators are Prof. Dr. Nancy Karuri (DeKUT) and Prof. Dr. Schönherr (USI).


Guests from DeKUT in Siegen

Guests from DeKUT in Siegen, here visit to the Rothaar Wind Farm in Hilchenbach

(Christine Müller, Dr. Nancy Karuri, Paul Mbote, Dr. Harrison Ngetha Prof. Dr. Thomas Carolus)

DeKut students of the course Wind Turbine Technolgogy

DeKUT students of the course "Wind Turbine Technology", taught by Prof. Dr. Thomas Carolus in November/December 2017 at DeKUT

Dr. Eng. J. Bosco

Dr. Eng. J. Bosco Byiringiro Nubashyimfura presenting his recent activities in wind turbine technology at DeKUT